Friday, January 21, 2022


Jaynette Jones of Nephi finally made it. We won't give out her exact age, but needless to say, all five Nephi Jones kids have an average age of 75. I think she would agree there is nothing Golden about it. Even Social Security goes down every year, even though each of us have been paying in to it since 13 or so. Jaynette was born a female, but for some reason she has a lot of male genes. Her older brothers  wanted another boy to play Cowboys and Indians with. No big deal, as she fit right in and can still jump on and off horses as good as any of us who pretended to be Gene Audrey. As kids, one of us would ride the horse out of the barn on a dead run, then the other would swing from the Apricot tree and knock the rider off while the rest of us would catch Old Dot before she headed back to the desert. I swear, she could out ride us all, and the only real Cowboy among us pretenders. She still reminds me of her cousin-Tara, and her sorta sister-Marian. Tough and Pretty. Jaynette has five great kids, and to them she is one hell of a parent who taught them good work ethics and family bond. She has been a caretaker for many friends, family and others that needed a God sent Guardian Angel. She has always been there. Her son Clint is the best bricklayer there is, as well as father of two pretty girls. Jaynette lives in the Jones family home that was built in 1885, and takes care of it immaculately. Most of her regular jobs has been in Nursing Homes throughout the world, and yes even in India. One time when visiting a friend on her death bed in California, Jaynette promised to take care of her son, who had severe disorders. It was a family sort of bond and we all have the opportunity of caring for Ted(Hollywood). In our family it is good to have people that spent countless years as a Medic and can give you the same instructions to take care of a wound and of those first responders that knows exactly what to do and not a watcher. On at least two occasions, Jaynette was there to save my life with brain injuries and a operation that went wrong getting Merca. She recently lost her husband-JP Grimard, and stayed by his bedside until he was called to the other side. If you know Jaynette Jones, write it down in your Bucket list, as she is one to say you were proud to know her during earth time. Like most of the Jones kids, we have helped people our entire life, but we have all found escape in being reclusive. 


  1. Wow. I am honored, thank you so much for the kind words. Love you.

  2. Kent thank you for that awesome glimpse into what it was like growing up with my badass mom! I am 1 of 5 kids lucky enough to have been raised and loved by her. She is the strongest person I know and has the strength to uplift and support our family even during personal trials that most of us could not even endure. I hope she knows how much we all love and appreciate her.

  3. I am very proud to have Jaynette as my sister!!!
