Friday, January 14, 2022


In most cases with my family, we save a copy of The Times News, which is the local paper filling us in on the real stories around us, rather than the big city media baloney, or so I have been told. But most of those papers has something in it regarding one of the family members. I have re-read it again and again, and dog gone it to H E double toothpicks, I kan't find anything about a Jones kin. I did read something about Reddy Kilowatt, but he wasn't a local! And we did have a UTOCHO and the corner of Main and Track Street. That stood for Utah Oil Refining Company, and run by Fub Heppler, but not sure if I spelled his last name right.  He gave a lot of young kids a job there, as long as you would listen to how he would catch fish up the canyon, but only with a MEPPs spinner. I was only 7, so even I missed out on the "Freshie Frolic".


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