Saturday, January 15, 2022


The time is close for those of you who have been to Alaska, where the only professional sport is the Sled Dog Race called the Iditarod, which is a thousand miles going across the Alaska Tundra. As far as we know, only one Nephi, Utah guy has ever raced it, and an ad should appear in the local paper of The Times News. Younger brother Gary B Jones is the well known racer that is originally from Nephi, but now in a retirement stage. He has written four books, all of which are inspirational. Copies are available for check out at the Nephi City Library about him scratching from one of the races where he lost one of his dogs in a freezing wind storm, and it was if the whole world stopped to help him find it, and they did after 11 days. Once you see a rodeo up front or help with a sled dog race, most folks will never go to another so called American sport called Professional Football or Basketball. The Iditarod is human and beast working together in 35 degrees below zero. You will find his book insightful, inspiration and scary enough to make you change your underwear! And all of it is true! Second photo is of G.B. Jones with some of his dogs and third photo is of Justin Jones holding a photo of G.B. Jones and himself-nephew Justin Wm. Jones. If  you ever get a chance to visit Alaska, the fishing and hunting are great, but hold the reins and the brakes on if you get aboard a sled, as those dogs are built to run, having been born with the DNA to race and well taken care of by the musher, who, along with hundreds of volunteers, place straw and food along that sacred trail.

1 comment:

  1. I love that photo of Justin holding the framed picture of himself and me. It was so good to have him and his friend
    Tony Thacker come up here to Alaska and visit me
    and check out the Iditarod Sled Dog Race. Great people, great memories!
