Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Well, it can happen to the best of us! I just don't understand the Audit Request. The government wants the Jones family to submit deductions since Utah became a State. And no, the call didn't appear to be from the middle east about my Handcart Warranty! Back when the Jones family first arrived in Nephi in 1852, most things were done by what we called the "Juab County Handshake", which was as good as the pale faces did with a blood oath handshake with the Ancient Ones. Since I have been the collector of records since the Civil War (not BYU VS. Utah), I am supposed to prove all transactions. I have came up with a start which includes my grandfather paying $2.60 for barn lumber in 1920(when the Whitmore's owned the Whitmore Mansion; then the twenty cents Will Jones paid for fast offerings to the LDS North Ward, and other stuff from The Commercial Bank, but it all just ain't right, at least from my side of the barn. Take a look for yourself, and no use trying to contact Charles Abbott, the 1900 Juab County Treasurer. They never even heard of him. Oh well, we will see how prayer works, as that is what Bishop A.E. Smith used to do before he went to gather his eggs from the coop that eventually became the home of Joe and Ellen Garrett. And we have to prove we paid of he saddle to Rob Garrett a hundred years ago. Oh the Gaul of it all.

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