The Juab County Fair is being held in August, and to get us in that rural mood that is bright like the sun coming over Nebo, or soft as a sunset on Redcliff's, we encourage all to exam the Fair booklet entitled "GOAT" which stands for Greatest Of All Time". Be an attendant and gaze at the events, or be a participate and see the wide variety of displays you can put in. Today, we print parts of the program from the 1930 Fair. As we only have one page to put our information on, we are only showing a few of the business' that contributed to the Fair, thus not relying on the taxpayer dollar to foot the bill. That is similar to this years Fair, so we honor those decades ago and this year. In 1930, Great Fair visitors came by car; horse and buggy, or the train station, which was near the Fairgrounds. Folks could catch a ride to the Goldsbrough for lodging or at the high class Forrest Hotel. Back then, the easy way to arrive was down Depot Street, as that is where a lot of busyness were located, including the Livery Stable where my Grandfather and his kids ran "Harris and Sons Livery". It is now difficult to get the Fairgrounds that way, as people didn't watch for the trains, so drive down Track Street. You may have to ask a local where that is. Some of us old timers recognize some of the names of Fair Contributors of 1930 and we thank them and the new ones. And the customers at The Toggery in 1930.we are sorry for what the horse did on the sidewalk coming out of The Tunnel Bar, and thanks J. Earl Reid for the clean up. It is good for your garden though, but not as good as Bovine or Turkey, but the smell could drive anybody to drink. By the way, the Tunnel was also used later as a cafe then a beauty parlor.