Friday, July 29, 2022


Yup, they gave it a good title. The annual Juab County Fair has been going strong for years, and this year will turn out to be a GOAT, which means Greatest Of All Time. That says a lot if you go back and look at all the Fairs in the history of Juab County. We were a County before we were a State. Not only it looks like it will be great in general Fair areas, but will include roping goats, so not sure if you cheer for the roper or the goat! Going through the Fair Book, it was quite easy to see that one heck of a lot of volunteer work goes in to this event, so wanted to make sure we paid tribute to all those dedicated to this event. Their Favorably Fair work is Fare Free. It has been occurring for many decades, and often times, it is a year round job, and many of the volunteers are seldom recognized. We do that today, and it is okay if you express your appreciation to those people, and to those that are making a great effort to get the blue ribbon. Congratulations to all and make sure you thank the food trucks for making a good lunch or soda and the EMT for being there to give you or your goat CPR!.

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