Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Throughout life, we often see highways or buildings named after those that are elected to political offices, and seldom for their real dedication to their service for and to others. This is not the case in downtown Mona, Utah. Ed Newton and the former Brenda Pay have grow together for their love of family, our country and their Pioneer heritage. I know of no other couple that are more deserving of being hailed as the Grand Marshalls for the Mona Pioneer Day celebration this Saturday. If you are not from these parts, you don't have to be a Mormon or from Monas. to attend and enjoy this celebration of our Founders Day program. Ed was on the front lines of Viet Nam, and risked his own life to rescue his comrades in arms. He was instructed not to run in to the hail of bullets', but with no regards to his own wounds, he saved them. He was shot in the neck which pierced his back and give up for dead and placed in the truck with other thought to be dead soldiers. He was very much alive and fought through his unwelcome home to America that he loved. He is still a servant of the people of Mona. Ed and Brenda. All Hail To The Grand Marshalls.

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