Friday, July 22, 2022


Although Catholic Father Escalante and his European type Explorers/Invaders traveled through Utah in 1776, the first real white invaders or settlers were the Mormons on July 24, 1847. They came here in droves, as folks back in Illinois and Missouri didn't like or try to understand the Mormon ways, and thought "the only good Mormon was a dead Mormon". People of the LDS religion were murdered, tarred and feathered and brutally butchered and even a State Governor ordered their expulsion, so they headed west and although Brigham Young had already sent Scouts and explorers to the Salt Lake area, Brother Brigham arose from his ailments near Emigration Canyon and proclaimed "This Is The Place" or words to that affect. Some folks believe was in error, as the place to go was California and now those gold lovers are coming back to Utah as their forefathers must have been misguided way back when. At any hoot, we have an original Deseret News from the hundred year anniversary of the Founder's arrival and decided to put a few pages on our blog. One depicts the Mormons(we now call ourselves members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) being busy as a bee, and thus we are the Beehive State. Another photo depicts the long dresses that were in fashion and much longer than the mini-skirts of the 1960;s and still another page showing the building of the Salt Lake Temple and other structures. At the time, the LDS Church wanted to be self sustaining, so they grew mulberry trees so that silkworms could eat the leaves and make silk material; wool; winery(its true); vegetables; and just a heck of a lot of good work ethics that we don't find in our latter days. So take a gander and then go celebrate in your rural home town or at Days of 47; Fiesta Days in the Fork of the Spaniards; or Ogden. But Behave in the Beehive State, or Porter Rockwell may hunt you down as he did many others all the way to the Land of the Nephites, across the stream of the children of Moroni!

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