Thursday, July 28, 2022


In earth time, today is your 112th Birthday, but we are sure that Heaven time is much different than our time. And yes, as promised, your kids are still all fine and dandy, and today, four of your five kids got  together for steak, and Gary B. called us from Alaska, so we put it on speaker phone and all patrons of Sizzler went silent and since we are all old and deaf, they all paid us respect and listened to the Nephi Jones family dry wit with our Family Home Evening at Lunch Time. We will see you sooner than you think. Remember a couple days before before you passed through the Veil, you declared you were almost Home. I insisted you were at the home you have lived in most of your adult life, but you had enough strength in your Cancer ridden body to say something like "No-Home". I had thought you were talking of the home by Salt Creek where you were born or the one up below Oakey's your dad had the Sawmill. Nope, you declared "Our Real Home" and that is when I recognized you were talking about Heavens Home, where you would joined your father-Evan Harris and your mother-Eliza Hitesman Harris. I was then put at ease and hoped you felt the same, as I felt their presence. See you soon. We all love you Mom and you can reassure Justin that you didn't have big ears when the photo was taken, but they were "in" at the time, with Bows!. Gary's last words on the phone were "Happy Birthday Mom, We Know You Are With Us Now". How profound.

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