Wednesday, July 20, 2022


The Mormon Pioneers arrived in the Utah Territory on July 24, 1847. This year it is on a Sabbath day, so we will celebrate it on the day before which is a Saturday. Back then, Mormons helped the United States make it a US Territory including parts of Nevada and all the way to San Bernardino, California and the LDS folks still celebrate it there with parades and such. Brigham Young lead the entourage to Utah. He was a true leader and Colonizer and not dumb, He had access to the Lewis and Clark dairies' as well as when John C. Fremont explored the West; Father Escalante's notes of 1776 and information from Trappers that roamed this area, so advance people and Mormon Scouts were sent ahead to explore and Brother Brigham wanted settlements where ever a spring of water flowed. Mormons have always been interested in singing and music to cluster the mustard to push the handcarts and wagons forward. They learned good work ethics along the trail west. With Archeologists; Indian permission and the University of Wyoming, I was privileged to assist with  an archaeologic dig at Martins Cove where a lot of Handcart folks perished, but my great-great grandmother made it to Salt Lake, then Nephi. One of the item's we dug up was parts of a harmonica, which was proof they loved music to bolster their spirits. That is why Mormons like to sing and dance and upon their arrival, they established what was called the Promised Valley Playhouse, which went on for several years before it closed. Today, we will shed light on a program from 1974.

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