Sunday, July 24, 2022


175 years ago today, the first herd of Mormons arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah, and Head Wagon Master was Brigham Young. Although many historians like to dance around the subject, he was one of Americas greatest colonizers that lead the good American Saints away from the bad Americans who unlawfully killed and drove them out of the points east of Utah. They were and remain different and as such, riots slaughtered and tortured them to leave. Once they arrived in Salt Lake, they were later followed by people that still don't like them and but come to Utah to drain their water away from the farms. Policitcans, various religious leaders and State Legislators are said to blame, or many people believe, just to make money by taking over their farms. The Pioneers only wanted the American Dream and intended to be self sufficient in the Desert. Back in Washington D.C. a United States President was said to be less concerned about Due Process or the Constitution, so he sent soldiers west to confront the non-conformist. Kinda makes me wonder if any President may send more soldiers to in prison us or take away our guns and water. The first photo depicts the struggle of the Pioneers coming west, and then upon their arrival, they soon found that they were also invaders on Indian land, as they were doing the same thing that the Mexicans were doing to Utah and find gold for Spain and Rome, taking it away from the Ancient Indians that were here. Mormons always wanted to feed the Indians rather than fight them, but the folks back east wanted to drive the Indians away to Education Encampments, almost like what Hitler did years ago with Jews. You make your own thoughts. How many Indians do you see in the second photo by Bev Doolittle? Study history, as it gives us knowledge of the past and may just tell of the injustices we will again enforce on others in political positions..

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