Thursday, July 14, 2022


It used to be a long travel to the Cow Place in California, or Madison Square Garden in New York, but  you need not spend that gas money anymore. The Heart of Utah's Juab County is the place to be for the next three nights where you can see some of the PRCA best in making money for their trip to the NFR in Vegas. Call to get your tickets or just show up and you will be treated by home town fans in the friendly City of Nephi for the Ute Stampede rodeo. This is the place to cheer for the bucking bull or the rider. They are all the cream of the crop. Get that second crop of hay in and you are set for the rodeo. It will be a hot one, but we have ice cold beverages and you can wander down and see the bucking horses and pick your favorite. Look for their brand. Four numbers which show the year they were born and the number assigned to that horse. And yes, you may even see one of the kin of the Garrett family, who have been a part of the rodeo including at least four generations. Say thanks to all the volunteers that put together the best family entertainment of the year. And watch the clowns and how they expertly save the lives using the same skill as a good cop-diversion tactics!

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