Saturday, July 23, 2022


Yup, today is the day GB Jones. It is your official day that you became an old man. The good thing is you are not as old as me or your brothers, so there is still hope you can make it. And hope you tell Gary Jr. what a lucky guy he is to have you enter in to his life as his Daddy. It is dang hot down here, sod me and Jaynette did some pulling weeds in our yards, but I am now inside and she is still grooming a horse in the back. On Moms BD, me, Jaynette, Hal and Weston and their wives are meeting in Provo for lunch. Wish you could appear, but that is a heck of a long trip you used to do all the time............when you were young. The one photo is the improper way to teach a lamb to follow us which included Justin, Kent and Gary Jones, with Alma or LaVon Jones taking the photo. Thanks for all you have done for your parents; siblings; nieces and nephews and the kids and race dogs of Alaska. The world and God knows the goodness you have brought to the world on earth.

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