Wednesday, September 27, 2023


We are not sure if we have put this on our history blog before or not, but before we discard it, we thought we would give it a whirl. What is fun to see if you or your family were involved in this. And if you know anybody that thinks they know the Nephi(Juab) High School Song, test them and see if they know the first line. It has been a "quite" debate since Jim McCune wrote the words, who was the Nephi High scholar of 1928. When those graduates had their 50th Graduation Reunion, my mother was in charge of the program, and maintained it was "Guard" of Nebo, but through the years, some "school" folks changed it to "Heart". LaVon Jones was good friends with Jim as well as the School Board, so let the debate continue! Most of the McCune family are not around, but when I talked to Jim's daughter, Pam wasn't sure either. Perhaps the "Heart" was Willow Creek, when Pioneers first set up camp way up above the present Mona! Perhaps, only the........"Shadow Knows"! When they built the new high school on Main, Jim McCune gave permission to change it to Juab High instead of Nephi High.

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