Friday, September 29, 2023


World War One started in 1914 and ended in 1918. The leader of the German forces was Wilhelm Kaiser. America didn't get involved until April 6, 1917. President Wilson ask Congress to declare war on Germany, mainly because the US had private merchants shipping supplies to England and they were being sunk and a lot of our civilians were being killed. Little does history books show that there was an additional reason that we will bring to light, and that was because Germany had made an alliance with Mexico that if the Mexicans joined the Germans, they could invade the U.S. and it would be theirs's like they wanted at the time of the Alamo and our first war with Mexico. The US declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, and many a man from Juab County jumped in line to help fight oppression's. The Nephi Lions Club have placed a Veterans Memorial in Nephi, Utah, up Track Street to honor the local area Veterans who served. As a kid, I remember many of the old Veterans, and loved hearing their stories when I was passing papers to them. One of my hero's was Dell Jones, son of Wm. and Elizabeth Tolley Jones of downtown Nortonville. He fought in the trenches and came back home "physically" safe and settled in Idaho Falls, as a potato man. His big brother wasn't quite as lucky. Vic Jones was shot in the hip and it seemed to never heal right, but delivered the mail in Nephi for many years, and held on his earth life until his mid 90's. Both of those guys were among the tough ones who could kill if they had to, but hearts as big as a train load of gold. I pay respect to them and the piece of paper they were given  of a "Soldiers Memories". May we all cherish the Veterans of America. We don't have to like their Commanders, but we MUST honor what they were called to do. The photo and Memories were presented to Dell's niece, whose late husband was a Marine and has a grandson that was a Wing Man.

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