Wednesday, September 27, 2023


 Perhaps it is only a personal issue of mine, but never could understand why we call a graduation an "Exercise"! I thought that is what we did at the Gym. And if you have a chance to check with the Utah State Bar, look at the list of Attorneys that are still "Practicing" to be a Lawyer. What the Hell?  And if you ask friends who is the Doctor they recommend for a body ailment, they may refer you to the "best" along with them as "top of their class". Or is it like some of our Little League kids that have to get a Trophy, even if they came in dead last. Anyway, look at the program, but don't panic if your name is not there. Some of the most Christ like people have never set a foot inside a Chapel or Synagogue. I once had the chance to cook for a village of blind kids in a far away land. The kids were discarded by their biological parents and lived at a Buddhist refugee camp. The Buddha Monks taught me how to cook for the kids, and through a military interpreter, the kids liked by humor and laughed at my singing, but hated the food I cooked. That was my Buddha "Awakening". 

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