Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Perhaps it is the old age factor or just the generation that wants everything now and yet don't want to work for it. Perhaps we can plant a seed in them by taking "the road less traveled" as written by American Poet - Robert Frost. In the early days of Nephi history, Pioneers needed tree logs to build their homes in Juab County. One of the young businessmen who accomplished the cutting of those trees was my grandfather-Evan Harris, who was an ethical and hard worker. He and wife Eliza lived in the flat area just below the Ockey farm in Nephi Canyon, where the town of Heberville was and enough people lived there to have Heber Ockey permit kids to attend a school in his barn. In the 1800s, there were people working on building a railroad from Nephi to Wales in Sanpete County, where they discovered coal. There were Salt Mines that turned out to be 99 percent pure. Then came the Andrews Family who found Red Sandstone which was sent throughout the world to make large castle type homes. One still remains in Nephi called the Whitmore Mansion. "Ev" Harris had a team of horses that would bring the cut logs from "Millcreek Canyon" along the Nebo Scenic Highway, as well as from the Red Cliffs to the south. In 1933, when America was in a deep Depression, President FDR came up with a plan to feed everybody by putting them to work (yup, just like your folks taught you). The CCC Boys or Civilian Conservation Corp, were assigned to build a road between Nephi Canyon, behind Nebo to Payson. It was a great road until they paved it, and then it was slicker than a greased pig. But years later, they paved it, and now a beautiful scenic drive for all American Taxpayers, as they are the ones that paid for it. There are times when both Juab and Utah County have to remind the U.S Forest Managers of that in DC, as many of them have that "let it burn" mentality, which happened a couple years ago and killed hundreds of cattle, deer, elk and scenic views. Never the less, Mother Nature is fighting back and making in a beautiful, but SLOW DRIVE. People have been killed driving down the Juab side, which has a hairpin turn. Payson Lakes are fun for fishing and frocking, and campsites(if you pay a fee). Hopefully, there is a map attached which shows the 38 mile Bi-way. And please, know the difference between shooting an elk, bear or a horse. It is an open range. If you see a monument at the top, that is where we buried the guy who was measuring how high we could jump the road on snowmobiles. Mt. Nebo is named after a Biblical place where Moses was buried, or he is still wandering between Jericho on the West or Jerusalem on the East. He is the one with the long hair and beard and hangs out near the Petticoats! He never did like Hell's Kitchen! 

1 comment:

  1. "Learn something new every day"...and today is the first I've heard of Heberville. Very interesting...I guess it's a bit like "Nortonville" was.
    I always appreciate your extra history & should comment more often.
    Loved the pictures!!! The Tolley Twig
