Friday, September 29, 2023


We are not sure of the exact year of this graduation ceremony, but we figure it is about 1914, and the photo is thought to be at the "Central School", which was up Track Street a block and a half. We do know two of the people pictured, so perhaps some of the readers can figure out the others. At the time, Nephi High was the third High School in Utah, and the first one built in a rural location. It was built on demand of Nephi residents, who wanted more education for their kids, who were not destined to be farmers like most kids back then. School officials listened to the people, and it was built around 1900, but many changes occurred including the bell tower, whish is now sitting by the soccer field waiting to be put on display at Town Square Park. The school building had two stories, the top one being for those continuing their education after the normal six grades on the bottom floor. It was built out of Blue Adobe, and some folks called it the "Pink School". We do recognize the Principle, who was George A. Sperry,  standing on the back row, first one on the left. He lived in the red sandstone home on Center and second east. We also know that Principal Sperry hired his two well educated sisters-Alean Pace and Mable Sperry to be teachers, and both those teachers taught some of the folks that are reading this. We also recognize the female student who is sitting on the front row to the far right. She is Lorena Pay, who was born in Nephi in 1896. She married Roy Bowles of Nephi. While walking home she was killed walking across Main Street(Highway 91) when hit by a car in front of Lynn's Market. She was a very quite woman, but a devoted wife and mother and liked to cook for anybody that needed a bite to eat, including kids walking home from school. She was 71.

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