Wednesday, September 7, 2022


According to Explorer Francisco Coronado in 1541; Catholic Fathers Escalante and Dominquez, there was plenty of water in the area we now called Burraston Ponds, after the Burraston Mormon Family gave their land to Utah when it became a State. In fact Father Escalante called it "Ojo de San Pablo" which means  "Eye of Saint Paul". His diary wrote of the plentiful grass and waters that sprang forth from Mt. Nebo. In my 75 years of fishing and being around Burraston it has nearly dried up this year and two years ago. While some people blame our Drought, their are others that maintain it is the deep well diggers above the 1-15 Freeway that is sucking all the water from the underground aquifers. The watershed may come through the U.S. Forest, and in talking to them at a Public Hearing, the representatives knew not of Mona; Nortonville or even the two crops of Alfalfa that used to grow there. And again, only rumors, but we heard the State Engineer may not even have know they were selling the water to a business. Some blame too many people moving into Utah, even though Nephi;

Utah politicians and Church Leaders maintain there "is plenty of water here". Well, I beg to differ, as did the former State Engineer-Kent L Jones, who additionally told me the government is all powerful and can take the water from all farmers if they so chose "for the benefit of the people".  And don't try to use a speedboat at Mona Reservoir, which water goes to the LDS church or even U-B Dam (politicians mistakenly call it Yuba Reservoir, as there really wasn't an Indian Chief here named that). If we wander down the road, we find that even Mills, America is dried up and indications are that Lake Powell is about the lowest it has ever been, giving the water to Arizona, California and Mexico and I didn't even know Mexico was a State! 

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