Thursday, September 22, 2022


Our question today is to help ponder if our school teaching system is better or worse than yesteryears'. The purpose is to provoke questions of which we all should make an interest to better understand. I have spoke to previous teachers and educators, parents of kids, as well as being a part time teacher myself. After a year of college under my belt, I was asked to be a permanent substitute teacher throughout the Juab School District and it sounded better than twirling my thumbs so proceeded to do for elementary kids, including walking up the stairs of the old two story building in Mona; Central School; High School as well as Seminary. Yup-a Jones kid. Along the way in my career, I was often invited to be a presenter at the BYU; Westminster; Weber State and U of U; as well as various high schools throughout the State, and at University of Bristol in England. This is the same kid that was thrown out of Kindergarten for putting a frog next to the little girl during "nap time". I had thought about this for years as family members said how easy it was to complete high school at Juab, especially during the COVID-19 Era, when students could work at home on the computer and get A's all year, and they, like me, couldn't learn how to spell correctly. I recalled years before when the State Legislature are the people that decide where the tax money goes, as well as School Boards and Associations with a lot of pressure. Teachers have a rough job, as they are like parents, but when they say it is "for the kids", many prior teachers disagree, saying it goes to the people at the bottom of the inverted triangle. I now hear that most of our tax dollars are controlled by Legislatures who are full time Developer's or Attorneys, and that is why we have so many rural communities being burdened with paying the money for homeless people in the big cities. You be the Judge. In 1963 through 1965, there was an average of 100 students graduating from High School, and now there is twice that, which is a  reason for their concern. In 1963, there were two school buses, and now we have 28.We had one High School, and one student Counselor, now there are many more. Kids in the 1960's would tutor the kids' that needed special Ed; helped each other as best we could and each graduating class were like a family. I heard one prior teacher say they are forcing harder math concepts on students and we put an example below. Kids of today lack history, not hearing or knowing where Viet Nam is. We can't learn our future until we understand our past.  And most kids have no idea where milk comes from or even a Steak. You are the voters-you be the Judge.

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