Friday, September 2, 2022


After a few years of research, we think we have it figured out. Back a hundred years ago and today, we all recognize recent photos, but if we don't write the names and dates on the back, it is easy to forget after a few decades. Like all things in life, some things take longer than thought to figure stuff out and such was the case with this gal. Her name is Jessie Mecham. She was the wife of Elam Mecham. The life and times of the Pioneer Mecham family can be found at the blog archive printed on Jan. 12, 2021. I had promised I wouldn't print that information until the death of all of his adopted family-Rob and Erma Garrett and their kids Back to Jessie. She was a friend of Evan and Eliza Harris of Nephi, who are my maternal grandparents. He was the owner or proprietor of the tree cutting at the bottom of Sawmill Canyon of the Nebo Loop road, past Hells Kitchen. There used to be a road down to the spring, but the Forest Service wouldn't take my testimony and an older Forest Map as authentic and so Juab County lost their suit against the government to keep roads open. But they still refer to the nearby ridge as "Evans Ridge". Back to the story at hand. Evan Harris used his team of horses to bring down logs to help build pioneer homes, as well as the cabin in Nephi's Pioneer Park, at the request of DUP President, Alice Paxman McCune. Evan also built a log home at the corner of 8th North and Main, which was later torn down and the area purchased by Hap White who had a great gas station and mechanic shop there. The father of Jessie had a stroke when young, but was still able to be a custodian at the District Court House on Center and Main, which is now the DUP Museum. Jessie died when young, and Elam had no choice other than to farm his kids out to good people willing to take them in. The Bishopric of the Nephi North Ward  LDS Church pitched in with the Bishop taking one and the two Counselors taking the other two, one of which was Rob Garret of the "Serv" fame. Elam was so fond of the Harris family, when Evan and Eliiz lost their young daughter-Maggie Vera Harris, Elam-although poor, paid for her headstone at the Vinebluff Cemetery. Now you know the rest of the story just in case you are asked by St. Peter when you cross the line to Heaven!

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