Thursday, September 1, 2022

Juab High-Class of 1964.Those who received their High School Diplomas

Earlier tonight, a few local folks went to the Girls Gym at the old Nephi/Juab High School in Nephi, Utah. As we were walking down the stairs, I couldn't help but remember way back when and it seemed like yesterday. Tonight a bunch of us wanted to gang up on the Forest Service for wanting fees to fish at Jenkins Flat and view the beauty at Devils Kitchen, some of us quickly found out the Federal Government had already made up their minds they were going to hit citizens with fees, so it was a dead end street to even be there, but will get this typewriter hitting keys to write a letter to Harry S. Truman or whoever. It won't do any good, but can't give up til I try. Rather than get in a fist-a-cuff with the phony Rangers, I diverted my attention to the good by gone days of yesteryear when the students of Juab High got to school on their own, which was usually by foot, but we did have two school buses to haul kids in from Mills, Levan; Mona and Starr. Only two back then, and now Juab High got a new school and wants another and they already have 28 school buses. Oh well, my nap hat goes off to all those who got through school, as there were no computers to give us the right answer. It was study and hard work and until this paper dropped in front of me, I had forgot we had two "Little J's" in 64. One was a great teacher and one was a great student.. The family is still waiting for Hal Jones to return from Vegas!

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