Thursday, September 15, 2022


As a kid, we walked over to the Nephi Venice theater to watch Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and Gene Autry play the role of a Cowpuncher, but in fact, they were actors, but also good humans off the screen too. Then came John Wayne and proved he was the real McCoy, not just on the screen, but in life. On a plane ride to make a film about the Viet Nam War during that tragic Era, he met a young Airman from Nephi named Weston Jones, and on their plane arrival in the Pacific Rim, John Wayne wouldn't meet with the press until he let Wes walk down the stairs where John Wayne saluted him. When he did western movies along with his sidekick-Ben Johnson, they saddled their own horses, and made sure they were properly cared for. Such is the case with brothers Joe and Ross Garrett of Nephi, Utah. I know of no other man than Joe Garrett and his family and friends that have caught more mustangs of the west than him. Nowadays, doing such a thing is controlled by the Bureau of Land Management, and people in the know say it is costing billions of taxpayer dollars to do it their way. Joe Garrett thought like a horse and could outwit them to bring them back to break as a saddle or cow horse. Weston Jones helped Joe with farm work one summer and his reward was getting a colt mustang we called "Dot" because of the Dot between her eyes. During the 1950's; 60's and 70's, the beautiful gals that were the Ute Stampede Queens were often rode by the saddle horses owned by the Joe Garrett family. Those horses knew their responsibility and looked good in the parade or rounding up calves. The photo with the names on the Hitches are some of the favorite horses for the Garrett family. As a kid, we liked Star as it was a "Saddle" horse and could be rode by anybody in town. Joe's grandfather-Wm. Jones had a team of horses in Nortonville named Duke and Nellie. Perhaps that is why one of Joe's horses was named Duke. Then there was Dan, which was the father of Duke, but you didn't want to hook those two up to a drill on the farm, as they tried to outrun each other one day while planting corn, and so corn came up even in the ditches. Then there was Doll, and yes she was a Mare; Chub; Ted and Old Nick. There is not enough room for all the horses the Garretts had, but enough for all of the grandsons of Ross to give him a photo like it was the Wild Bunch in hot pursuit. Also Toots and Nibs(because it was red like red licorice). Before head-on crash events, we had work horses contesting who could pull the longest and the two main rivals of Juab County were Joe Garrett of Nephi and Floyd Bosh of Levan. Now a days, many folks like Steaks, but little idea of where they come from, and the work involved in getting that T-Bone on your plate. The cattleman gets little credit or money for the work he has to go through. If you check on who does the cattle round up for the Wright Rodeo Family of Milford fame, you will find it is all of the gals that do that, while their men are making money as world champion horse and bull riders. You just may find that with the Garrett kin, as Tara can outride em all but that may be fighting words with Kyle or Tyson but Travis may agree to. Which reminds me of the one photo. If you want to "Doctor" down a little Bull, he can be a Big Bull and knock you to pieces, and that dam Russ Garrett won't help, but encourages Troy and Kent Jones to give the calf CPR! Thanks to all the Garretts and their friends like Bob Worwood, Bob Lyman; Jacksons, Winn's; McPhersons, Carters and Jenkins who bring us great local food; good work ethics and great friendship.

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