Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Ever notice how some things change over the years and some things don't. The earth it self changes from one season to another and yet each sector of the season seems to change from more snow or less from year to year. Real truth is constant but some would have you believe that truth itself changes. The observer has to recognize if it is the same or not. The substance of this history lesson is that some people change and others don't seem to, such as real beauty. The last photo is of Marie Kay of Mona, Utah. She is one of all the beautiful daughters of George and Norma Jones Kay of Mona, Utah. The pretty little gal is with her mother and other family members at a visit to watch the building of the LDS Temple in Idaho Falls, Idaho and to visit her Uncle Dell Jones, with grandfather Wm. Jones. That was during World War Two Era. She grew up beautiful and married to a returning Korean War Hero-Richard Howell. Older, but still beautiful, and hasn't changed, nor her family has. They even raised beautiful kids and Zebra's together. The other photo is Marie and beautiful sisters. Now we go to the photo of George Larsen of the US Forest Service of 1942. He is standing in front of the US Postal Office in Nephi, Utah. Back then the Forest Service had a once beautiful campground all the way up to Dad and Sons in Nephi Canyon. Same as did Mr. Nebeker and his family and the community Boy Scouts helped to keep it clean and up to snuff.  But now a days, that campground area is not quite the beauty it used to be. Some say the more people they hire to put out the forest fires-the more taxpayer dollar is spent and the more fires we got with their burn back and let it burn theory. And now the Forest Service wants all visitors to pay entrance fees for what the CCC built ten years before the photo was taken. You be the Judge and consider Richard and Marie Howell who now live in a small area on the north side of the Nebo Loop Road.

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