Monday, November 28, 2022


 For ten days in Vegas, the real sport of the United States put animals with and against Cowboys to see who wins. For us Nephi Jones Boys, it is better than Christmas; And we are proud of the Utah Boys from Utah and especially the Wright Family of Beaver County. They are showing what family togetherness is all about. We may need your help this year though. The financially squeezer is on us common folks that pretend to be cowboys. The hotels are doing triple the cost of the past, most goes to the building of a new professional football stadium with many of those players turning in to anti-Americans. We found it cheaper to rent a 1967 VW that we can fit all our gear in and place a one ton bale of three way hay on the top and try to pay for our room. What the heck, it is worth the chance. And Johnny's Bail Bonds accepts money in advance, just in case we decide to keep throwing cans of Spam at the street urchins who get in their Mercedes and drives away.

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