Wednesday, November 16, 2022


In case you were unaware, this writer has cheated death on multiple occasions, but for some reason, I have been brought back to life. That and the fact that I am three quarters of a century old, doesn't help with memory retention. I do feel the over whelming need to put the history of what I have seen; heard or felt for the world to see free, and unlike the ads on TV, where they say "AT NO COST TO YOU". That is misleading as it does cost those who work and pay the taxes as D.C. just writes out another check Any hoots, I just came across this old real life photo of Milton Harris, who we used to call "Bud", only because our mother did, who was an Aunt to Bud. First Photo is of Evan Harris and last photo is of Evan's grandson-Milton. We also put in a couple pages of LDS church documents to see who was what. As you may guess, both sides of my family originally came to Nephi in 1852, so I have tons of relatives with all kinds of inter-related names. But No Adams and Eve's in recent history! As you may see, Bud was a Stud before his time. And his hair was naturally curly, and born in 1916, two years before they invented Brylcreem, where "A little Dab Will do You" ads. It was popular in the 1960's as was Vitalis, if you could stand the oil running of your hair down your face on a hot day. 

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