Thursday, November 3, 2022


The Pioneer town of Nortonville was located in the former rush and serene Valley between Mona and Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Although settled by the Norton brothers, they discovered that farming and ranching was too hard for their blood, so they sold the fertile ground to the Jones and Tolley families. Better for all, as the Norton boys knew business and went on to prosper, but so did the Jones boys. My father was born and raised there, in the small log home that was later torn down after Bish Belliston moved to Nephi. Two of the Tolley daughters married two sons of Edward Jones, and the two ponds just west of the freeway going past the north 1-15 exit to Nephi was built by the Wm. Jones family. The area once produced great wheat, and two crops of dry land Alfalfa. But that all went dry when a newcomer with training dug a deep well on the southern part of the Nortonville aquifer and all farmers went broke and out of water which is discussed below. The church/school was ripped up and the land has now been sold and business' have went up, and we hear rumors that Nephi City folks would just as soon drive all the farmers out so they can grab their water and annex to the middle of Nortonville for another power substation for more business'- not for homes and family produce! Since the Nephi Jones Boys sold the last of their land there, we have no say, but feel bad for what people used to move to Nephi for, as it used to be in their ratified "Vision" declaration of Nephi City. We will show an out of print book written by Dr. Richard Wm. Jones that shows some of the history of Nortonville. We have given one of the books to the local DUP and listed some photos and information from the book. We recognize that history, and we can't turn it back, but hopefully we all can learn from the past and with no water like a politician may inaccurately declare. Enjoy our rural area, as it won't last much longer. Seniors and locals are afraid we will be just like the other big cities that people wanted to get away from and Politician's don't seem to mind taking the water via the farmer who has to give it up to our government" for the benefit of the people" and at a cost to "Grandma Moses". 

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