Monday, November 14, 2022


If you reside in the State of Utah or other LDS type high schools, the Mormon church has often worked out a deal with a local school district where by which, any student, if inclined, can sign up for a class during school hours to learn more about the religion. If you live in other areas, even Paris, they may work out the same type of deal with the Catholic church and perhaps even work could visit the Notre Dame Cathedral, and regardless of your belief, such adventure to be there(at least during the era I spent time) there is a very spiritual experience. If you lived in the Juab County area, some of us scoundrels would refer to it as "Cemetery" as opposed to the true name. Any who, these are they that graduated way back when and one of the pages may show those who completed four years, instead of just the regular three years. Most astounding is the one young man who liked to look at the gals a great deal and by gosh he was one of the "student talks" on the subject "Danger-Curves Ahead". Who in the H E Double Toothpicks chose that loose goose to speak on his day dreams?

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