Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Have you ever wondered why we call it "Commencement Exercises"? Or why it is not good enough to be a Doctor or Lawyer, but they are always a Practicing Physician. Seems like they should of practiced while in Medical or Attorney school, not while operating on my Gall Stones or going through my fourth divorce and looking for my future ex-wife! It is not old history, but it is history so here is the program from Juab High School graduation of 1964. If you don't know where Nephi is, it is four miles south of Nortonville, or about four miles north of Broadhead Ranch. One block south of the Old Hollow where we mistakenly massacred the wrong Indians when we had Salt Creek Fort by the old football field. This copy was the one I had when I tried to scribble which graduates got Starships or Scholarships or whatever the spellchecker says.


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