Wednesday, November 23, 2022


Well, just like major media, their must be some tricky dicky stuff going on is kinda of true. It was in November, 1976, so says The Times News! So there. If you have been a Juab County resident for the past 50 years, you will remember much of what was happening in these parts and recognize many of the people, and even my Uncle Grant Jones, who was not doing to well at the time. You may even be able to spot some of the little kids in the Second Grade Thanksgiving musical. This is the only paper I need to read, and I will keep searching the old family papers to see if Harry S. Truman won the Presidential Election that one year. But don't go stand in line at Allen's to get your Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie. I stood there all afternoon and they never opened. But I am going back over to the Venice Show House, as a John Wayne and Lauren Bacall movie is on and you know what they were like off screen! Yee gads, what is our small town turning into!

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