Monday, November 7, 2022

Like it or Not, tomorrow is election day and Yes, our future depends on your vote.

Back in the 1960's, I had to wait until I was 21 to vote, and it was plenty difficult, but I understood its importance. I was living out of the United States and had to go through large steps, including a letter from Jack Bough, the local Police Chief to sign an affidavit showing I was a resident of Nephi. My vote didn't elect a new President, but I felt heavy in the heart to think I voted as a true American should. So should you. Today, and with courtesy of The Times News, we have entered four pages from the March 31, 1966 edition. The front page shows one of the Jones boys winning a State Championship, but in those days, it didn't receive a lot of fanfare, and no tax paying dollar was used to transport school kids to any FFA championship or ProVita contest. Like going to Lagoon or the Terrace Ballroom, we hitched a ride with others going. At the re-read, you can see who ran for political office back then, and by now, we have time to figure out what we should or shouldn't voted into office and the after effects it causes. As for me, I got to head over to Chicken Time for some "Cowboy Beans", then down to Fillmore to see if I won for the oldest geyser to hunt deer with no license and no rifle, then turn my hunting clothes back into Andersons Clothing, then court by date to the Venice. Which will scare her the most-my beans or the movie-"Dragonslayer"? 

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