Read all about it. Do Minorities get special job status? What really caused America to enter World War One? Who was Mary Pickford anyway? Where in America is Clear Lake? Which is worse-Drug or Oil Cartels? Remember when tens of thousand people fled San Francisco? Here are some papers I collected from places I visited or worked. Different papers and other media think and describe things differently, so all folks should use their own discernment and knowledge. Perhaps only "The Shadow" knows!
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Thursday, December 21, 2023
I gave up watching any news on TV more than 45 years ago. Back then, I was working with a variety of police operations when the TV reporters had access to the radios we spoke on. Often time those reporters were on the scene of a special operation and interfered with the work. The head people tried to explain the situation, but the media found ways to leak it, and often fouled things up or reported only the things their bosses or editors wanted to show. It was a double edge sword, as often times if police wanted to nab a bad guy, they had to co-operate with the TV news or papers to get the public's help. But not for me. I didn't want to read or see something that was totally false or even misleading. I do remember the time when the best newspaper in the USA was one called the GRIT. I think it went out of business a long time ago. Apparently folks, like the Tabloid Junk that started in the British Isles, then spread here. Anywho, we have a few papers from 40 years ago, as I had the compulsion to save a paper from every State or Country I had visited during 42 years of traveling the globe. I now find more pleasure reading the good old stuff, then use them to start by wood burning stove.
We are uncertain of the exact year this was, but as my mother was the Class of 28, I know it was close to that year, but could have been a couple years before, or even the Class of 29. Perhaps the reader or future discoveries on my part will find out. We do know that the original Nephi High was on Track Street at a block and half East where the Nephi Town Square Park is now located. That building was built prior to 1900, as was a school known as the North School was near the Nephi Pioneer Park, and the South School was near First East and 5th South. The one on Track Street became know as the Central School, but the local School Board was forced to make the top floor of that grade school the "First" rural High School in Utah, and being the Third High School in the State. Now adays, school officials don't feel the pressure from the public as much as they did in by gone days. When scores of students and their parents demanded education beyond the compulsory 7th grade, it was made into a High School. As more students and families moved to Nephi and to all of East Juab County, a new building was completed on Main Street and the named was changed to Juab High School, and two buses were used to bring kids in from Doc Steel's home on the North, and from Mills and Levan on the South. Later, school officials demanded a bigger school and so was one built Eastward and 7th North. On that issue, School officials and politicians didn't take heed to the citizens or the fact that the old Juab High was fit as a fiddle, and my father was taught his masonry skills from the builder who "guaranteed this building will last a hundred years", and it did, as it is now known as the "County Complex", and many of us now recognize how wrong or "complex" some of the unknowns have their way above the folks hat voted them in. Anywho, these are the graduates, and grandchildren of the graduates may, just may... recognize a few folks in their younger days. I for one, recognized Principle George A. Sperry, as his sisters and brothers lived across the street from me, and George was the guy you had to prove your worth to get a Merit Badge for "Home Repairs", which may no longer be on the list to earn an Eagle Scout anymore.
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Wes Cole of Nephi, Utah. One of those I refer to as a "Silent Hero".
In our "weekend" of learning during earth life, we often change because of age, or because of circumstances, we don't have the ability to remain as is. Some change comes when we hear, see or read about something that helps to adapt. For me, change of direction comes, when I "feel" it inside. Such was the case today. My intent was to go to the Post Office, then to hell with a diet, and get my favorite full Ham and Eggs at a local eatery. For some odd reason, my vehicle went the long way home from the Postmaster. I drove by the old Fourth Ward LDS Church in Nephi, and in front was the Anderson Funeral Home Horseless Carriage. I pulled in and thought for a moment, then recall hearing that Wes Cole had passed away. Although I was not dressed in the proper attire, I "felt" that Wes Cole wouldn't give a dam hoot what I wore. I removed my hat and entered, talking to Mike Anderson and Brace Carroll, who was riding shotgun, but like Barney Fife, I knew that neither of those Funeral Directors needed to carry a bullet. I asked for a program and Brace fetched one. I couldn't help but stare into the face of Wes, and recall his genuine smile of decades before. He was the son of his father, and both had that warm, acceptable smile that came directly from their heart. I was their paperboy of long ago, and each month that I was supposed to collect the fee of $1.60, I felt guilt to ask father Frank for it. Their small abode was on the southeast of Nephi, and their was 13 kids to share that cottage, but I recall the feeling it was a home full of love and devotion. I didn't stay for the funeral, but the gathering was small. I did "feel" inclined to go to the Nephi Cemetery, where the earthly remains of Wes would be lowered. I felt so aware of the presence of early Mormon Pioneers afloat, I had to do some research. Sure enough, the Cole family were directed to help build Juab County, with a Cole establishing a Chicken ranch....yup at Chicken Creek, Utah which is now Levan. Then another Cole was second in command of the Nephi Post Office when the best high school in Utah was operating at full steam on Main Street. Wes became another one of my "Silent Hero's", much like Y.A. Tittle in 1963 playing professional football; John Stockton playing professional basketball; Jesse Owens winning Gold Metals in the 1936 Olympics, defying Hitler's hate and how about short Audie Murphy, the most decorated soldier of World War Two. As I was preparing to depart the Church, I greeted a guy that was coming in. It was Bishop Mike Bowring, a local football coach and humble hero to many kids. On to breakfast, and seated at Lisa's Country Kitchen, below the photo of Gordon Kelson, who helped Juab High take the State Basketball Championships years ago. Well done Wes. I will put you in my personal Hall of Famous Hero's who are not the loud and obnoxious, but get the job done.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
While going though some old papers, I located a paper that was typed by or for Nadine Jones Blackett of Nephi, Utah. She wrote some history about her parents and stapled some photo copies, which should be included. We also found another packet of photo copies, which we will hand deliver to a great granddaughter of Edward Leonard Jones, who I came to call "Uncle Lenny", as that is what my father-Alma Jones called him. Going back in times of old, their were five of the Jones boys called Edward Jones from the country of Wales to Nephi, where "Little Eddie" died as a young lad.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
I was just going to let todays moment in history go by, but something stirred up the thoughts of yesteryear, so had to get out of a slumber to write of it. On Nov. 22, 1963, the President of the United States was shot and killed in the same Texas City that they spit on another American Leader-Adlai Stevenson a few weeks before. Dallas folks were usually open to US leaders, but on those days, they were not. Most Americans have forgot that day, as we prepare to rush out for Black Friday specials but for the Nephi Jones Family and Juab High School, we will never forget that day. The cold war was a hot agenda, and we would practice running for cover preparing for the Russians to bomb and kill us all. We were stunned and even by my brother and I came home from school and wept. We thought it was the end of our lives in our small rural Nephi. I had been sitting in the Ag. class taught by Jay Dalley. They had just installed a speaker system in all the classrooms, and we thought it was a weird prank we heard the news over the loud speaker. It was real and a sad day for Americans. Years later, I traveled to Dallas for a week to investigate that murder, and although it was a personal and private investigation, I received full cooperation from police and others in the school book house where Lee Harvey Oswald killed our leader. I stood at the same window Oswald did and picked up a broom to point in the same spot he was shot. Police helped me search the Grassy Knoll area. To me, it was a simple murder case, but many folks, including the crazy media wanted to come up with all kinds of BS, only to make a name for themselves on TV. Their frenzy worked, as they did become popular for the suckers that got hooked on TV News. It is a day the Juab High Students and Senior Americans will never ever forget.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Sunday, November 5, 2023
If a researcher had time to waste, they could count how many "Joe's" were called that nickname compared to the given name of Joe! We do know that this Joe Jones of Juab County, was the second set of Nephi's "Jones Boys." His father was Edward Jones, who arrived in Nephi in 1852, under the direction of Brigham Young. That Edward Jones came from the country of Wales, which was like Scotland- hooked on to England and a part of the "British Isles". He had experience as a Blacksmith and Farmer, and the Pioneer settlement of Salt Creek (renamed Nephi) needed that kind of expertise. His Blacksmith shop was north of the Salt Creek Fort, on 1st East near the Old Hollow, and yes, very near where the seldom spoke of-The Nephi Massacre of local Indians(Ancient Ones) occurred. Joe Jones had 9 Full siblings, with his mother being Martha Jackson, who was one of the Handcart Survivors. She was the second wife of Edward Jones, so this Joe had a few "half-siblings". When I interviewed my father about 50 years ago, he identified the two pictured "full sisters" who are "Aunt Lizzie Cazier and Aunt Louise Broadhead". On the back of that photo, it appears I asked Alma Jones where the house was located. He reported it to be on 1st East at about 5th or 6th South in Nephi. To add more confusion(at least to me), we have included a genealogy sheet showing some of the family connections. This writer loves history, but just the word "Genealogy" gives me a headache, so hope I won't be thrust to Hell when I get past earth life, and hope that God has a better system of keeping track of Who is Who that me & these Dam computers! Now where did I leave the headache medicine!
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Todays story is about how NOT to honor Veterans. If you think about it, the history of world battles started with the kids of Adam and Eve, and it wasn't too long before there were more wars, and it has been a constant plague since then. Often times, it starts with a skirmish, then develops into a complete World War. The first world war was supposed to be "The War To End All Wars", but it wasn't long before the same Country was the aggressor, once again. Although I haven't watched a TV News report in more than 40 years, one can easily feel the consistent pressure of people that a third world war is hanging about. And if it comes to that, we may not even be aware of who the enemy is, as they could already be living. among us and in positions of influence. In most battles and wars of yesteryear, we had the respect of our elected or selected government officials, and followed their command to go to war. If we disagree, some don't try to alter that in a law abiding country, but cause riots and aggression against ourselves, and some people resist to dig out the roots of that behavior with the civil unrest that live among us. In the Viet Nam War, many of the fighting soldiers were among the victims of war, as the discouraging factor was that many of those young men were drafted and not their fault, but many of us blamed them for going to war, and the mal-contents didn't honor them on their return to home, but shunned them. Many of those that went to that war and the ones in the Middle East and eventually slipped into a stage of "Shell Shock" or what we now call "PTSD" or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder". If you were a soldier on the front line where you will be killed if you don't kill them, then later on the stress within is over shadowed, but the bad things a veteran was involved with comes back to haunt them. That sort of thing occurs with police officers, as they too are in harms way. If you see any person who has been in the military, regardless if they were on the front line or the supply line, each of us should send a letter to them giving thanks or honor them in any way possible. Most on the front line Veterans live among us, but seldom want to be noticed, but this is a reminder to sort them out and pay respect. Don't walk up and touch them; yell at them, as their past memory of how the enemy killed many were snipers and they re-act with a counter punch to overtake you. Coming up this weekend is the last day of the Deer Hunt. If you are from California, we ask you to know the difference between a cow and a deer. Utah's population is booming and out of control, taking up the winter feeding ground of the deer, so we don't have many left. And the photo's below will show a good natured guy who is tough as nails and after getting his Medic Degree in the Army, he was sent up front with the 9th Infantry and saved many lives on the American side, but placed in a position to take the life's of the enemy. On his return, things came back to normal, other than the second photo showing he appreciated the good cooking of his wife, but on the first day of the Utah Deer Hunt, some yahoo had the stupidity to get behind him, point his rifle in the air; shoot, then holler "Incoming" and that worn out soldier hit the ground and proved that PTSD was a real shock affect after a battle. PROPERLY HONOR A VET!
Thursday, October 12, 2023
For most folks wandering to view cemeteries, the second of two in Nephi may be a little difficult, but if you contact the Anderson Funeral Home of Nephi, they have it down good for several generations. When they created the cemetery, only Mormon Pioneers knew where it was. It was out of City Limits, and no trees like it is today. Only bad thing now is all of the subdivisions that intrude on the serenity of why it was selected in the first place. But big money; Politicians; Developers and people who want to get away from others, only to be closer to others! Good Cents, but no Sense! Oh well, at least I tried when I was one of those Nephi Knuckleheads. On the positive, Vine Bluff was named as such, only because early Mormons liked to have real wine from grapes, and one Vineyard Building still stands in St. George. Anyway, they couldn't call it Wine Way, because Brother Young realized that "Strong Drink" included wine as per the Word of Wisdom, so locals called it Vine Bluff. You won't read that in history books, but tis so. I wandered through the cemetery to pay respect to my family and friends, as that is where their earthy remains remain. Old cemeteries often tell truths of real history, so I have traveled to many around the world. I like that which is written on many at Vine Bluff, including the following: (1) Daddy, I'll hold you in my heart until I hold you in Heaven. (2) Don't just use one crayon and be just one color. Be the whole box of crayons and be who you are. (3) Our family is a circle of strength; founded on faith; sealed in love; kept by God, together forever. (4) Mother-All that we are, we owe to our dear mother. (5) A life that touched the hearts of others lives on forever. That one may be my favorite and her headstone is shown. She remains a dear cousin of mine, and grew up as a woman of courage, as one of the last Nephi residents who never complained of her Polio, a disease that was common back when I was a kid. She was and remains a valiant stewardess of God. In todays wanderings, I recognized the photo of a football player; a pilot that flew so high he felt like he was next to God; a motorcycle racer; a basketball star; a gas man; an LDS Bishop, who was an expert Carpenter; a Baker, and yes a Turd of a guy that knew horses and cattle. I even came across one of the Norton brothers who founded Nortonville, Utah. After picking up some limbs and garbage, I nearly stumbled across a yahoo who had the nerve to put on his headstone "Son of Alma, from the Land of Nephi". It appears he was proud of both, but they forgot to put his Doomsday on it. Well, lets put it off til tomorrow. And if you know somebody that wants to volunteer to make a sculpture out of a half a cut tree, contact Nephi City, I would think they would be tickled pink at your gift. The Sexton does have to cut some of the big ones down or the roots will come up through your great grandpa's grave! Help keep your family headstone respectful. You paid for it, keep it clean to save taxpayer dollar.
Monday, October 2, 2023
Throughout the history of the world, God had a lot of servants, scholars and leaders here on earth, but perhaps none may not have offered their services to others before himself more than Brent Park of Nephi, Utah. He may have learned a lot of that, following in his Dad's footsteps-Boyd Park, who was a Nephi City Councilman; Mayor, Student Body President of Juah High, where he excelled at sports, then became a Little League Coach. As a kid, I only knew Boyd Park as a gifted runner, because as a 12 year old stupido, I thought he was just a "Grease Monkey" at Painter Motor, and while passing newspapers, I rode my bike up behind him and knocked his hat off. Boyd picked it up and chased me. I shifted my bike in to high gear, and that speedster caught me, and didn't beat the stuffing out of me, just said I should be joining his baseball team. What a gifted man; leader and father. Then I met Brent's mother, who was a good friend of Nadine Blackett, and what a generous good woman she remains. Brent was BAD. He was Bound And Determined to be a prize catch for any beautiful woman that came along, and sure enough, beautiful Angie Bills saw him at a Bowling Alley, and they were hitched. The attached program will show some of the noble deeds he did on earth. His Heavenly Honors await him, and the rain today didn't stop a herd of people that attended his funeral and the Dedication of the Grave. Even this dry eyed no-account shed a tear when I saw his escort filled with Nephi Police; Juab Sheriff's Deputies'; Fire Fighters; EMTs, and School Buses lined up to pay respect. Well Done Brent.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
I am not sure, but I think I started my love of history when I was in the 4th grade at the Central School up Track Street in Nephi, Utah, USA. Me and a co-hort was always getting in to trouble. Our mischief was fed by one another, regardless of what it was. Our teacher was Earl Bowles who had returned from fighting Germans in World War II, after which he graduated from Utah State University. He was short but stout and reminded me of a gunny sack of potatoes. Earl, like the sack of potatoes was just too heavy for a kid or even a man to pick up, but I had an Uncle that could put two sacks of potatoes on his shoulders and carry them to the truck during his days on the farm in Idaho Falls. Earl had a demeanor that he could not only man handle me, but could toss me on a train and send me to the Russian Front and nobody would notice. But me and my clone kept pushing him to the limit. There were many occasions when I remained after school and wrote multiplications on the blackboard. I don't think it taught me the discipline that Earl was taught in Boot Camp, but I was always good at math. On the one occasion I remember the most was the time me and my buddy hid in his closet during recess. We had the intentions of coming out at lunch break, thinking he would go to lunch with the kids. Nope, he ate it at is desk and only a few feet awake from the dark closet we stood. We then started to feel our way to the north and found it was where the hot steam was pumped into the old iron heaters in each of the rooms. We would touch them, but muffle the terror of pain. There was no way out other than going back on the door we entered. I was terrified and thought my life and school days were over. I was the leader, so Mr. Bowles kept me after school, and it was a one on one lecture. He said he was going to do something to me that would teach me discipline. And he did just that. He took his thin yardstick and broke it over my head. My father was in the Army during World War II, and when he got out of line by chewing gum, the Sgt. made him dig a 6 foot deep hole to bury his gum in. The yard stick didn't hurt as in those days, they made them very thin. But the destruction of my gangster mentality was knocked senseless. And he smacked me with such ease! There was no malice, just a broken yard stick. Then came the good stuff. In detail, he told me what he had to do to the enemy of the World War. I was intrigued or perhaps he re-arranged my brain cells. I started to love history, especially military history. I would often walk home from grade school with neighbor Don Johnson, who was dang smart so we would talk of the Nazi party. My other walking partner was Clyde Gowers, who was also a genius. We now call them Navy Seals, but they were first called "Frogman". When arriving home, I told my folks about what the teacher did to me. My mother and Dad looked at each other then asked me, "Did you deserve it". I could 't lie and said "Yes". They said they knew the Bowles brothers and they did what was appropriate, at least in those days. When I started college, my Major was History as I loved it, but when I was told that I would only wind up as a teacher, I changed it which took an extra year then graduated with a Degree in Law Enforcement and more education in Ed. Psych.; and College and Fingerprint Expert. I worked in the Criminal Justice System, and in doing so, traveled to all States of the Union, except Hawaii, and to various countries. At each location, I had to learn the history of the city; the criminals and the crime, completing 30,000 Interviews; Investigations and Interrogations. In addition, during the times I came back to Nephi to visit folks, I asked if I could retain the family records; artifacts and journals that our family had collected since our family arrived in the 1850's. I sealed and buried them til such time I retired and would then show them to the world. I retired ten years ago and since that time, have written 877 blogs at the blog spots. Thousands of people throughout the world have viewed my chapters, and this month, I hit my goal of having more than 10,000 hits in one month. As of a few minutes ago, we had 10, 888 people look at a blog entry. My mother taught me how to type at age 12 and because of my love of history, I now have shared it with the world, including two boxes of LDS papers and journals that belonged to them, as my grandfather ran the Church and the School when Nortonville was a beautiful valley of green. I bought the scanner for $8.00 at Deseret Industries and the used Laptop for one yet, but will slow down. After I enter a blog, I then give it to families of those that may want them or to Museums in Nephi; England and Wales, as my grandfather went on an LDS mission there in the late 1800's when the photos were taken. Brigham the Young would often stop in Northville to v$100.00. But the scanner is wore out and so is my brain after several brain concussions. So I am not disit Will Jones, and left a variety of papers there, which have now been returned to the Church. I am proud of my three brothers and a son that served in the military. I never did, but have worked with them on several occasions throughout the world and honor those who have difficult assignments on the front lines of our country.
Friday, September 29, 2023
During life on earth, it seems that through the ages, all things change, except for Mother Nature and Love. All things appear to change or subject to discussion by so called "the know-it-alls". One thing that appears to never change is "Love", regardless of what or who it is for. We were reminded of that as we discovered an old typewritten instructions for an Elder in the LDS Church to marry people. I suppose now a days, things have changed, so one should contact the local County Clerk for up to day changes. I suppose now a days one would call this writer a "Jack Mormon", as I can't deny the spiritual things I have witnessed and felt, and yes, I like to Sin. Nothing better than my wake up coffee! Anywho, as the Designated Leader while on an LDS Mission, I was given the authority by the local government to push the button to "Cremate" a member of the LDS church, who had specified that act occur in her last will and testament and it to be done by the local "Elder" in charge. When the Church of England Pastor told me, the first thing I thought was "Holy Hell" . I conferred with the Mission President, and he said I was the Chieftain Elder, and to follow through. I did, but it was a weird feeling that still gives me the Chilly Wiley's. I thought of that when I discovered a missionary diary from the late 1800's and the Church writing down the information to read for an earthly marriage. Hopefully, the reader can view that which is attached, but not able to secure the first part of it. Also, I think I listed it reverse and can't find the computer clutch to switch them. So sorry!
World War One started in 1914 and ended in 1918. The leader of the German forces was Wilhelm Kaiser. America didn't get involved until April 6, 1917. President Wilson ask Congress to declare war on Germany, mainly because the US had private merchants shipping supplies to England and they were being sunk and a lot of our civilians were being killed. Little does history books show that there was an additional reason that we will bring to light, and that was because Germany had made an alliance with Mexico that if the Mexicans joined the Germans, they could invade the U.S. and it would be theirs's like they wanted at the time of the Alamo and our first war with Mexico. The US declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, and many a man from Juab County jumped in line to help fight oppression's. The Nephi Lions Club have placed a Veterans Memorial in Nephi, Utah, up Track Street to honor the local area Veterans who served. As a kid, I remember many of the old Veterans, and loved hearing their stories when I was passing papers to them. One of my hero's was Dell Jones, son of Wm. and Elizabeth Tolley Jones of downtown Nortonville. He fought in the trenches and came back home "physically" safe and settled in Idaho Falls, as a potato man. His big brother wasn't quite as lucky. Vic Jones was shot in the hip and it seemed to never heal right, but delivered the mail in Nephi for many years, and held on his earth life until his mid 90's. Both of those guys were among the tough ones who could kill if they had to, but hearts as big as a train load of gold. I pay respect to them and the piece of paper they were given of a "Soldiers Memories". May we all cherish the Veterans of America. We don't have to like their Commanders, but we MUST honor what they were called to do. The photo and Memories were presented to Dell's niece, whose late husband was a Marine and has a grandson that was a Wing Man.
We are not sure of the exact year of this graduation ceremony, but we figure it is about 1914, and the photo is thought to be at the "Central School", which was up Track Street a block and a half. We do know two of the people pictured, so perhaps some of the readers can figure out the others. At the time, Nephi High was the third High School in Utah, and the first one built in a rural location. It was built on demand of Nephi residents, who wanted more education for their kids, who were not destined to be farmers like most kids back then. School officials listened to the people, and it was built around 1900, but many changes occurred including the bell tower, whish is now sitting by the soccer field waiting to be put on display at Town Square Park. The school building had two stories, the top one being for those continuing their education after the normal six grades on the bottom floor. It was built out of Blue Adobe, and some folks called it the "Pink School". We do recognize the Principle, who was George A. Sperry, standing on the back row, first one on the left. He lived in the red sandstone home on Center and second east. We also know that Principal Sperry hired his two well educated sisters-Alean Pace and Mable Sperry to be teachers, and both those teachers taught some of the folks that are reading this. We also recognize the female student who is sitting on the front row to the far right. She is Lorena Pay, who was born in Nephi in 1896. She married Roy Bowles of Nephi. While walking home she was killed walking across Main Street(Highway 91) when hit by a car in front of Lynn's Market. She was a very quite woman, but a devoted wife and mother and liked to cook for anybody that needed a bite to eat, including kids walking home from school. She was 71.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
My "older" brother and I went fishing the other day, taking his "Green Turtle" side by side on a bumpy road up American Fork Canyon where it is reported that money mongers want to connect the beauty of Mother Nature to the jet set folks on the other side. It was a long trip, but exciting to be outside without city folks trying to pass us. As we fished and spoke we thought of how many of us "old geezers'" were still kicking. Hal is the Juab High Class of 64, and like each of the classes back then, we were family with the other students. Juab County has outgrown the capacity of rural towns, but many politicians have the addiction for more money, and without working for it. I was excited to hear that he and the remaining members of his boyhood friends or all getting together and heading for Branson, Missouri. Each of the guys are taking their wives, and the widows of their childhood forever buddies. Hal had no tears when I told him that Lawrence Welk was no longer alive. We laughed as the only time of the week we were forbidden to intervene with TV was Saturday night when Lawrence would pop the cork of his Champagne glass and have old folks music that only now we enjoy. They will enjoy the theaters lined up to entertain and they may even see the Titanic, which somehow got lost in the Ozarks. I pay tribute to this gang from the Class of 64 so they can all pay tribute to the other classmates who have taken the sublime ride through the puffy clouds above us. Chopper and Scott will be with you all.
My Neurologist say that a part of my memory loss is due to several brain concussions, one of which was a subdural hematoma, relieved only by drilling a burr hole in my head. Others maintain that is only related to my aging factor. Now, if I can just remember what we were going to write about! Oh yeah, 1964 "Cemetery" graduation! I think we have already submitted this, but before I discard it, I thought I would put it on, just in case. On the program, it shows that I somehow gave a student talk titled "Danger-Curves Ahead". My mother must have wrote that for me when I was an innocent kid, as I didn't even know what a real honest to goodness Curves was until way too late. Oh well, I do recall "If one wants to find a Devil, one must wander a while in Hell". I think I have been at its edge, so perhaps I will find the right Curves once I get to the Nursing Home!
Perhaps it is only a personal issue of mine, but never could understand why we call a graduation an "Exercise"! I thought that is what we did at the Gym. And if you have a chance to check with the Utah State Bar, look at the list of Attorneys that are still "Practicing" to be a Lawyer. What the Hell? And if you ask friends who is the Doctor they recommend for a body ailment, they may refer you to the "best" along with them as "top of their class". Or is it like some of our Little League kids that have to get a Trophy, even if they came in dead last. Anyway, look at the program, but don't panic if your name is not there. Some of the most Christ like people have never set a foot inside a Chapel or Synagogue. I once had the chance to cook for a village of blind kids in a far away land. The kids were discarded by their biological parents and lived at a Buddhist refugee camp. The Buddha Monks taught me how to cook for the kids, and through a military interpreter, the kids liked by humor and laughed at my singing, but hated the food I cooked. That was my Buddha "Awakening".