Monday, December 19, 2022



We acknowledge the work and devotion of Minnie Jane Depriest Smith

It is 80 Years late, but we think it is time to acknowledge her! A few decades ago, most residents of Wayne or Juab County, Utah would quickly recall the name of A.E. Smith of Nephi, Utah. We was a highly respected and recognizable figure in Utah. He was not only the North Ward Bishop of the LDS Church, but the local Agriculture Agent for the United States Department of Agriculture. In the 1940's and 50's, local agriculture was an important ingredient as what made Juab the "Key" County of Utah. Not so much any more, as politicians have permitted that to go astray. When A.E. Smith came from Wayne County, LaVon Harris was delighted when she was called to be his secretary. I recall fondly that my mother-LaVon, not only cherished her Boss, but his wife-Minnie, who was not only the main support for A.E. but they adored her, much like they did the two foster kids they took in. Back in those days, a woman was not always called by their first names, but a Miss or Mrs. and then the rest of their husband names. So today we give a hearty thanks to Minnie for her time and devotion, not just to her husband, but for her work in her church in Primary; Organist; Relief Society, but the work she did in the 4-H. That was at a time when volunteers did most of the work around town, not at the taxpayer expense like they do now. This Minnie Was A Mighty when it came to Head to clearer thinking; Heart to greater loyalty; Hands to larger service and Health to better living! She was all of that in going through my mothers history collection. And thanks to all the 4-H Leaders everywhere. The handbook of Minnie was given to the Juab County Extension office for their Collectors section. It may be old, as one of the National Officers of the 4-H was named "Moses". 

Thursday, December 15, 2022


When we get around to it, we will put more information about these folks, but for the time being, we will put the photo on here and the reading glasses of Elizabeth Tolley Jones. I have used these as a back up when I couldn't find my own reading glasses. She passed away in the early 1940's,but glasses still work fine. If I look at Will Jones and his mustache and receding hairline, I figure that is why my middle name is named after him-William Jones, but many folks that came from the British Isles had that name, but not yet conquered anything.

The Sperry Family-Original Settlers of Salt Creek/Nephi

It is interesting to listen to people, especially local politicians, that claim to have lived in Nephi since it was settled in 1851. Although Brigham Young had sent Scouts out to find places where the early Mormon Pioneers could find water and feed their animals, we have already named the original 17 families who actually spent the first night here. One family was the Sperry Family, and if you look and talk to folks, you will often see or meet one of the Sperry Family Members from way back. Today, we honor three Sperry members who I personally knew, and thought the world of them. They were all special God sent servants who would do anything for their neighbor or anyone else in our rural area. Rheta Sperry was my across the street neighbor who made a deal with her sisters. Alean and Mable would teach school; while Rheta would clean the house and cook and all of them including brother Don would do what work he could find and nobody took care of their rose garden better than them. I list some of Gods special people, one of which pushed me to write this. My guess it was K.J. who gave me good advice when he was my LDS Bishop such as "I should kick you in the butt" but his loving but stern words were enough. And yes, the stolen ink blotter was returned to Kay Carroll, daughter of Miles Anderson yesterday, and with interest. It appears we "accidently" stole it 75 to hundred years ago, when we needed to blot the ink on a sign in book at a funeral after turning it over on it its felt back. I will blame it on George A. Sperry, who was former Principal of Nephi High and back then he was permitted to use a ruler on the top of your head, and if you didn't have a brain, he would hit your ass and parents would back him. Or maybe it was Don Sperry, who we locked in our barn when we were young and stupid. Lot better than being old and stupid I guess.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


When one starts going through thousands of historical data and photos, it could take a lifetime to finish it all, but have been trying to do that for the past five years that I have been retired and dug up some of the treasures of the past. Some are a hundred years old and some not so old. With the one that is Stock bought my grandfather from a man who I think was a Nephi Mayor, is it too late to collect the millions that may be set aside by whoever has possession of it? Look at the photo of me doing my first parachute jump over Alta Airport before Developers forced us out. That is when we climbed out on the wheel and jumped and pulled the rip cord. Is that grim on the face show what happens when your anal spinster lost control control, or when I was trying to impress the gal I was with? Us Men will do anything to impress a Woman! The two guys on the horses! If I had Joe Garrett and Ron Jones around, they could identify the horses before the riders. Not sure of the house behind them, but it looks like many Postcards that were around during World War One Era. Have fun before you bloat on Christmas Candy!

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


 After Joseph Smith founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the folks back in Illinois and Missouri had a hatred for the Mormons and even political leaders opposed them and many of them were slaughtered for their Constitutional Right of Religious Freedom. After Joseph and his brother were murdered, Brigham Young took leadership, and headed for "No Man's Land" which is now Utah. But even today, Anti-Mormons continue to harass them and did that in Arkansas of 1857. Prior to that, the name Parley P. Pratt were considered the pinnacle of leadership in the Mormon faith, with Parley exploring parts of the west prior to the arrival of the first Mormons here. His job was to seek out livable places where streams flowed. Although famous trappers had informed the Church Leaders the land was like a Deseret, but it did in fact "blossom like a rose" as Brother Brigham had predicted. First Mormons that entered the Valley came down Immigration Canyon, but then Parley found church volunteers to build a road down "Parley's" Canyon, which was easier to do. In my early studies of Brother Pratt, it appeared that some of his dealings may have touched on possible "misuse" of Church Members and their money, like some politicians do the same with your tax dollars. Parley charged non Mormons to come down his toll bridge that were on their way to find Gold in California, while others belief the money should have gone to the church. At any rate- even today, Parley P. Pratt's name is synonymous with his vast knowledge and leadership of  LDS church, which he joined at age 23, after reading the Book of Mormon. Another such brilliant historian was a man named B.H. Roberts. He was also a theologian, scholar and Church Leader. He defended the Book of Mormon, and said the book could withstand rigors, academic scrutiny. But he was also considered quite complex in dealing with people, as he often played the Devils Advocate to outwit his opponents that another world existed outside the realm of the Middle East where Jesus traveled. As Mormons believe in sending missionaries' throughout the world to seek out faithful people to join the church, two had gone to Arkansas, but were murdered there by Anti-Mormons, one of which was Parley P. Pratt. The bad guy was full of hate, his name being Hector McLean. Pratt was stabbed and shot and before he died his request was that his body be shipped back to Utah for burial. Behold in comes riding B.H. Roberts who is always dressed fine and dandy like the Church leaders are, but not when going to Arkansas. He was dressed as a Hobo, and he was able to get the body out of that state and back to Utah. Newspapers throughout America applauded the murder of this Mormon, and the killer was never criminally charged. Our family has lots of photographs and journals that we had already returned to the Church when Brigham Young and others would past through Nortonville, where a branch of the LDS church was. Those items were left in the Nephi Jones Family til recently. I had the copy of the original photograph of the bum look alike and a copy should be attached. Although a Church Historian said it was worth a lot of money, to me it belonged to the LDS church, which it was given, as well as various other journals and papers of Brigham Young. In talking to Church bigwigs, we found inside information that Parley Pratt was going back to assist Elanor Macomb who was an estranged husband Hector, and Pratts 12th Plural Wife. That was at a time, when Pologamy was a functional part of early Mormonville This writer may be a little complex, but now you know.......the rest of the story.

Monday, December 12, 2022


Historians have a rough time trying to tell who was the first person to do this or that, or who really was the first settlers in present day Nephi, Utah. Nobody knows for sure, but needless to say the Mormon settlers may not have been the first, but an entire book could be written on that. My history lessons are here to push a little interest so anybody can find what they believe is the truth. For now, this is the first few people that were Salt Creek Dwellers, or what is now Nephi. In addition, we have put a copy of a map of who live where years ago. It is kind of fun to print a copy and see if you can find the old hollow and who lived where. Some of the Pioneer family names are still here. Then if you go into the Nephi City building and look at the photo to the north, you may find a photo of the old gate that was a part of Salt Creek Fort. I am still trying to find out if it was the gate on the North or the South, but maybe somebody else can do that project. Have fun.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022


During our World Wars, it was often the men who were the upfront fighters for freedom. We praise them, but often don't recognize that many of our soldiers left their wives and children at home. And they weren't just home bodies. They often filled in the gap to work the steel mills; farmers and put war machines together back in the USA. When and if the guys made it back home, such as my parents, they got hitched late and didn't waste any time to have kids(must have been the potent Nebo Water). So the women often stayed at home while their men went to work. That is just history, not a mans point of view. But those unemployed or unpaid moms and wives often found other noble things to do such as women's clubs. They didn't sit around and shoot the bull, but often were assigned volunteer duties as Daughters of Utah Pioneers; Toys For Tots and taking care of the Rose Garden in Nephi. Now adays, things are so expensive, it often takes two to work and bring home the bacon. My mother was in the Booklore Club, and now I understand how important that was, but didn't as a kid, as it was "Women Only", so even us young boys were told to get the Hell out of Dodge when the women came to our house. And it was one of those times we had to make sure our 1885 log house was in tip top shape, and it still is-owned and operated by Jaynette Grimard, one of the Jones "Boys" in a skirt, but can outride any of her brothers on a horse. Anywho, the gals would talk about a book that was written and discuss how it would relate to them at the time. I had a lot of respect for those women and always looked up to them as hero's who had to fight their own battles at home while their men were fighting other battles in Europe and Pacific Rim countries. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

We think we know who this photo belongs to, but we are asking anyway.

Sometimes it is difficult to sort things out with photos and papers that date in our family history.  For one reason or another, I have been collecting thousands upon thousands of papers and artifacts since our family and friends arrived in the Utah arena during the Mormon march here in 1847. I came across this photo and although I think I know who it belongs to, I know I better put it on here as it is open to the public around the world, and even had family contact me from England a few year ago. So if you want this photo, claim it and I will deliver deleter de sooner de better. On the back, it appears to be of Wilma and Bill Pyper with their grandchildren of Wendy, Tara, Greg, Mark and Scott. It may have been taken in 1966.


It seems to me that if you or somebody you know has a last name of Tolley and they lived in Utah, Idaho, Canada or anywhere west of Cornwall of England, or go back even to France, we all just may be related. Frank Tolley is the son of Uncle Hy Tolley, who is the son of Wm. Fisher Tolley and one of his wives when Brigham Young said it was just fine and dandy. Frank lived down below the tracks where his son Roy Tolley finished out his last days of earth life. As a kid, I would pass papers to Frank and next door to his mother in laws place in the still standing log home. She pretended she didn't understand English, only her native Indian language, but I had heard her speak English, but Frank was always good to be and would often cough up the $1.60 a month I was supposed to collect for the Daily Herald back then. Lots of stories of the old west could be told about what went by the creek that run between Franks home and the tracks, but we will wait for another time to talk of Avenging Angels that left the Nephi downtown area and went along that direction. But to me, he had a great family, and his son Roy knew about every place in Nephi that a water line was placed and the City would often call him who had it all down in his head. My hat goes off to Frank. 

Monday, November 28, 2022


 For ten days in Vegas, the real sport of the United States put animals with and against Cowboys to see who wins. For us Nephi Jones Boys, it is better than Christmas; And we are proud of the Utah Boys from Utah and especially the Wright Family of Beaver County. They are showing what family togetherness is all about. We may need your help this year though. The financially squeezer is on us common folks that pretend to be cowboys. The hotels are doing triple the cost of the past, most goes to the building of a new professional football stadium with many of those players turning in to anti-Americans. We found it cheaper to rent a 1967 VW that we can fit all our gear in and place a one ton bale of three way hay on the top and try to pay for our room. What the heck, it is worth the chance. And Johnny's Bail Bonds accepts money in advance, just in case we decide to keep throwing cans of Spam at the street urchins who get in their Mercedes and drives away.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

FREE THANKSGIVING COOKIES at Trader Joe Garretts place!

Don't run up to Joe's place, as all the cookies are gone! Joe's daughter-Marian gave all two of them to my sister-Jaynette and I, but my-oh my, they were good. It was a Trade deal. I was willing to give her an original photo of her Dad-Joe Garrett, if she gave me something. We are both learned as youngsters that you didn't have to buy or sell anything, it was just a trade deal with all the Garretts. And as a youngster, I was the one kid that was nominated to clean up the cow manure at Spin Mac's milk shop and carry our share of the milk home, and I was the only one in the family that hated milk! Anyway, I was going through old photos and found one that had my fathers note on the back and thought it was Joe Garrett as a kid. Back 100 years ago, even real men as youngsters wore dress type skirts and Marian recognized it immediately. She had the best "trader" gift for me, giving me a cowboy pillow and hand made. I prized it and she liked the old photo. And she picked the best fish and chip shop in Utah. Thanks Cousin, and we won't list your age, but I think she is almost an adult, but she is still a smart ass, so she has some Jones still in her, just like another cousin-Emma Ockey Carter.

"JIMMY CRACK CORN" and I did care!

As  a kid in Elementary School, we often sang the song "Jimmy Crack Corn and I don't care-My Masters gone away". At the time we enjoyed singing the song, having no idea what it meant at the time. We no longer hear that song, as some folks think it was offensive  like doing away with the gal who made the Aunt Jemimah flour or cake mix. To bad, but you kant changed history, but learn to deal with it. As a high school student, I found my father and his four sons working on a part time basis at the Juab County Flour Mill, as I didn't know it at the time, but we were helping our parents help make ends meet. There were a lot of good people working there including King Sidwell and the Powell family and Bert Winn. When I started singing the song, it was the time I first learned it was written prior to the Civil War and written by a Black Slave who liked his owner, but didn't mind it when he died. At the time, I was concentrating more on making sure we filled up the small bags of flour for different companies, then later go to Ralphs market and find that the prices were different, even though all the flour came from the same crush bin. I knew it was all good, as it was from the Levan Ridge. I bring this up, as last week, I was feeding "cracked corn" to help fatten up a Steer, and decided to take a photo of  a 1940's Flour Mill receipt, then take a photo of the cracked wheat I was feeding. Take a gander at all the various flours that were made right down town in a great rural town that ain't rural anymore, as outsiders want it to be just like the big city they came from! Lot of stuff in earth life that doesn't make any Cents!



Well, just like major media, their must be some tricky dicky stuff going on is kinda of true. It was in November, 1976, so says The Times News! So there. If you have been a Juab County resident for the past 50 years, you will remember much of what was happening in these parts and recognize many of the people, and even my Uncle Grant Jones, who was not doing to well at the time. You may even be able to spot some of the little kids in the Second Grade Thanksgiving musical. This is the only paper I need to read, and I will keep searching the old family papers to see if Harry S. Truman won the Presidential Election that one year. But don't go stand in line at Allen's to get your Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie. I stood there all afternoon and they never opened. But I am going back over to the Venice Show House, as a John Wayne and Lauren Bacall movie is on and you know what they were like off screen! Yee gads, what is our small town turning into!

Thursday, November 17, 2022


For one reason or another, when men are young, they desire to be older and tougher looking, and when we get old, we want to appear young and buff. Some gals fall for that stupidly, but some folks can see deeper than what is skin deep. Call it too much Testosterone and no smart genes, but difficult to be other than what we were born with. At the overripe age of 75, I look at some photos of the past and see self samples of why I am a Simpleton! The last photo shows this stupide driving his jeep down Elephant Hill near Moab, Utah. That suicide 4 wheel road is considered the most technical and dangerous road in Utah. So me and my hiking buddies had no other choice other than to do it. Thirty years ago, I was a Sinner and the guy on my blind side was a Saint, who prayed for us on the way down. The guys in the back got out to watch from above, and at least I knew their were gals along the cliff to watch bodies fly. We knew  when any vehicle that goes off the slickrock at SilverRock had to pay for the four wheeler and the helicopter ride to take the body remains out. So what, my Testosteronal's called me out. Don Blanchard hollered which way to move and I skillfully maneuvered it, and yes, I was sober, just no sense! And there was plenty of gals for the pickin, but on our successful return, none were going to pick me. Oh well! Act Two was on March 10, 1973. It was at Alta Airport in the east part of Salt Lake County(which is now all homes). Me and my college roommate-Bob Pliley decided to do our first parachute jump. It was only to show off to the gals we invited along to wrongfully impress. Bob has now been successfully married to Judy for 40 years and I have been "successfully" divorced for 40 years, so all battlegrounds are neutral. Bob was the smart one, as he knew he could impress gals with his heart, money and brain, but not Jones. He wanted to impress that blonde bombshell, but it didn't work well. In those days, the jumper would stand on the wheel axle of a fixed plane and when the co-pilot waved, you jumped and pulled your own rip cord. I thought he was waving me to jump, but he was telling me to come back in as they were over the homes that were built around the airport, like what is going on with Airport # 2 in West Jordan. Part way down the Freefall, I came to my senses; pulled the rip cord, but only saw homes and no airport. I landed in the backyard of  a family home, and hit hard enough to knock me out. By the time the rescue folks found me I had one hell of  backache. The worst thing about it, "Patti" wasn't impressed. Okay, third time is a charm, right. The Hell it was! A herd of cops on motorcycles were heading up Spanish Fork Canyon to meet at a Law Enforcement Conference in Moab. As we drove up the road, we could see a lot of hay bales scattered along the right side, so most of the Harley Cops went speeding ahead to stop the truck. Me and my partner stayed behind to move the bales of the road then help the two young gals buck up the bales. I held my gut in and since I hauled hay as a kid, I knew I could it again, although 45 years old. Nope and neither could my buddy-Dennis. I thought I was "in love" with the gal on my right, but as you can see by her face, I was all show and no biceps, and that is the end of the story.  A sad but true story. In the next life, perhaps, just perhaps, I will hire a woman to be my Coach to find a date, but for now, all that we learn here on earth is to teach us for eternal life!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


In case you were unaware, this writer has cheated death on multiple occasions, but for some reason, I have been brought back to life. That and the fact that I am three quarters of a century old, doesn't help with memory retention. I do feel the over whelming need to put the history of what I have seen; heard or felt for the world to see free, and unlike the ads on TV, where they say "AT NO COST TO YOU". That is misleading as it does cost those who work and pay the taxes as D.C. just writes out another check Any hoots, I just came across this old real life photo of Milton Harris, who we used to call "Bud", only because our mother did, who was an Aunt to Bud. First Photo is of Evan Harris and last photo is of Evan's grandson-Milton. We also put in a couple pages of LDS church documents to see who was what. As you may guess, both sides of my family originally came to Nephi in 1852, so I have tons of relatives with all kinds of inter-related names. But No Adams and Eve's in recent history! As you may see, Bud was a Stud before his time. And his hair was naturally curly, and born in 1916, two years before they invented Brylcreem, where "A little Dab Will do You" ads. It was popular in the 1960's as was Vitalis, if you could stand the oil running of your hair down your face on a hot day. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Have you ever wondered why we call it "Commencement Exercises"? Or why it is not good enough to be a Doctor or Lawyer, but they are always a Practicing Physician. Seems like they should of practiced while in Medical or Attorney school, not while operating on my Gall Stones or going through my fourth divorce and looking for my future ex-wife! It is not old history, but it is history so here is the program from Juab High School graduation of 1964. If you don't know where Nephi is, it is four miles south of Nortonville, or about four miles north of Broadhead Ranch. One block south of the Old Hollow where we mistakenly massacred the wrong Indians when we had Salt Creek Fort by the old football field. This copy was the one I had when I tried to scribble which graduates got Starships or Scholarships or whatever the spellchecker says.


Monday, November 14, 2022


If you reside in the State of Utah or other LDS type high schools, the Mormon church has often worked out a deal with a local school district where by which, any student, if inclined, can sign up for a class during school hours to learn more about the religion. If you live in other areas, even Paris, they may work out the same type of deal with the Catholic church and perhaps even work could visit the Notre Dame Cathedral, and regardless of your belief, such adventure to be there(at least during the era I spent time) there is a very spiritual experience. If you lived in the Juab County area, some of us scoundrels would refer to it as "Cemetery" as opposed to the true name. Any who, these are they that graduated way back when and one of the pages may show those who completed four years, instead of just the regular three years. Most astounding is the one young man who liked to look at the gals a great deal and by gosh he was one of the "student talks" on the subject "Danger-Curves Ahead". Who in the H E Double Toothpicks chose that loose goose to speak on his day dreams?

Monday, November 7, 2022

Like it or Not, tomorrow is election day and Yes, our future depends on your vote.

Back in the 1960's, I had to wait until I was 21 to vote, and it was plenty difficult, but I understood its importance. I was living out of the United States and had to go through large steps, including a letter from Jack Bough, the local Police Chief to sign an affidavit showing I was a resident of Nephi. My vote didn't elect a new President, but I felt heavy in the heart to think I voted as a true American should. So should you. Today, and with courtesy of The Times News, we have entered four pages from the March 31, 1966 edition. The front page shows one of the Jones boys winning a State Championship, but in those days, it didn't receive a lot of fanfare, and no tax paying dollar was used to transport school kids to any FFA championship or ProVita contest. Like going to Lagoon or the Terrace Ballroom, we hitched a ride with others going. At the re-read, you can see who ran for political office back then, and by now, we have time to figure out what we should or shouldn't voted into office and the after effects it causes. As for me, I got to head over to Chicken Time for some "Cowboy Beans", then down to Fillmore to see if I won for the oldest geyser to hunt deer with no license and no rifle, then turn my hunting clothes back into Andersons Clothing, then court by date to the Venice. Which will scare her the most-my beans or the movie-"Dragonslayer"?