As this writer didn't learn computer junk in school, I as not able to put more photos on my written stuff on Part One. So go backwards in time, and read the non cursive stuff of today and here are more photos. Poor young kids of American, don't learn Cursive in school. No wonder we as a country are losing our past.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
- There are a lot of places in Juab County, Utah, where folks speed by and don't take the time to slow down for people and deer that are there. Such places are Joy, Starr, Broadhead Ranch, Mills, Juab, Chicken Creek, Nortonville, Knightsville, Diamond, Robinson and Heberville. Today's history lesson isn't taught in Nephi Schools, but we will write of downtown Heberville. Being there is great, but driving up and down State Rd 132 is more dangerous than diving blind at the Indy 500. The folks that are flying by don't give a hoot about safety, and one place is called Deadman's Curve for a good reason and seldom patrolled. If you don't know where it is, one turns at the only street light in Nephi and go east past the golf course; past the old Nephi gun range on the left; past Bobs pond, and be careful at Slaughter Point, as that is where more deer are killed than by local deer hunters. One was killed by a big truck that dragged it to its final resting place before it went to the deer heaven above. Just before you turn left to go up to the Nebo Loop Road, you are now in Heberville. It was named after Heber Ockey, and there are three Ockey Homes there. Heber farmed there as did his son-James H. Ockey Sr. and then his son James H. Ockey Jr. and so is his son-Kevin James Ockey. And it is No Trespassing, for good reason. I spent yesterday with the grandson of Heber, and that was James H. Ockey, Jr. He is 93 years old and Jimmy is as sharp as he was when he was a teacher and I was a full time Substitute teacher. I also got information from Jimmy's son who is Kevin James Ockey, and if you get your insurance from him, he may show you the panoramic photo in his office. My sister Jaynette took a photo of Heberville, and if you got good eyes or a telescope, you may see a small cabin in the middle that was the school over a hundred years ago. That photo was duplicated by Kimo's Camera of Nephi. The two boys on the left may be the Ockey boys or the sons of the photographer. In the middle of he photo, near the Derick and the haystack; horses and the puffing train coming up the track. Highway 132 changed as it had swung up to what they used to call Sand Cliffs. The School had a dirt floor and also used as a Church. It its day, there were a lot of homes around there as their were salt mines; Andrews Canyon which shipped Red Rock through out the world on a railroad spur that went up there. It is too dangerous to stop and see the railroad trestle near the Ockey Campground. The Ockey's were forced to close that popular place, basically due to legal squabbles with new Nephi City officials and their selected leaders who is said to want more water from Hops Spring to bring more people to Nephi. T and not farms. That saga continues, much to the dismay of this writer, who fought for the Ockey's when I was on the City Council-but I often voted alone. On the right side of the dimensional photo lived the Evan and Eliza Harris family of a hundred years ago, and that is where one of his sawmills were. The home foundation is still there as well as one of the apple trees. Jimmy Jr. showed me a fork made of brass, that probably was that of Eliza Harris. They had several sons to help with the logging business to build pioneer homes. More photos are at Part Two. Hops Springs is called that because of the Hops plants, and yes they are used for beer, but only in St. Louis, but they are a magical and mystically herbal remedy for.....Root Beer!!! Cheers
Friday, January 26, 2024
"We are but a speck of sand within an endless array of worlds and some of those worlds are closer to us than most know. Consider the plight of Marc and Heidi, who entered into a strange new world, and the battles they fought so they could return to their home. Their story begins now." By G.B. Jones
Gary B. Jones was born and raised in Nephi, Utah with his forefathers arriving here in the 1850's. He is a graduate of Juab High School, with the Class of 1966. He then attended BYU and USU, where he excelled in theatrical plays. He joined the US Army during the Viet Nam Era, and became a Ranger; excelling in rapid deployment for direct action raids. His older brother-Weston, who was in the Air Force at the same time, always thought it was strange for his brother to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, and yet that was Gary's cup of Tea. Later, he was in the National Guard and activated for the first Middle East War Era. His work was with Western/Delta Airlines, which took him to Alaska. It was there, that his work went to the Dogs! Yup, he got interested in the Iditarod and became a Musher, leading his dogs from Anchorage across the Tundra of a thousand miles to Nome. He was good at it, and wrote a book called "Winning the Iditarod", then another book last year writing about losing one of his dogs on the trail, while he and others, including pilots searched for the lost furry soul and after 10 days it was found. He has never married or had kids, but after 70+ years old, he adopted two youngsters as they had been abandoned. He wrote this new book as an inspiration to those two kids and all people to give us strength to overcome whatever unforeseen obstacle's our way comes. Gary has sent the book to family and friends, and three have been donated to the Nephi City Library and they have been entered into the system, for all to read. If you desire to have one of your own or to send to others, there should be an address and phone to contact G.B. or his Publishing Co. below. Have fun reading.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
I can't remember what photos we have as that is in a different computer place but let me guess. Across the street north of where Safari is now, there was three gas stations in a row. First was what I still call the Forest Anderson place and the only one still alive and kicking. Then there was two more and one is now kind of a place for old vehicles, and another gas station operated by Don Eyre. Bill Stowell worked there, but so did a lot of high school boys who pumped the gas while you could listen to country music KOMA or KNAK or KOVO or KSOP, but not at the same time. The most important structure to see however, is the PC or what they call in England as the Public Convenience, and it looks like only a ONE holer! Ross Garrett had a two holer! Side note is that John Crapper of the UK invented the flushing toilets'. Stayed tuned for non essential history while sitting on the JOHN. Other photos may be the cars for sale at Parkin Motor, with Red Cliffs in the background, but hard to drive to see as it is owned and often off limits to get there and place for future LDS Nephi Temple, but that is ONLY a personal revelation! Then there should be a photo of a small store which was over Salt Creek and to the South would eventually become the Cowan gas Station. To the north was Wayne's Pool Hall and a popular two story coffee shop is now located. There should be another photo of Juab High, and to the south of Track Street, that dirt is important as it used to be the World Famous Arlington Theater from the late 1800s as visitors would get off the train and walk up Track Street to see entertainers. Then between 7th and 8th North was the Premium Oil, which was owned by Evan Blackett, and open all night. That was a good place to work for high school kids and the night worker-Ron Jones or Bob Garrett. In the back, kids would pull their hot rods in and go underground to change the oil or shoot the Bull! There was a Chicken Coop behind it and the Snak Shak got their eggs from there. The building is still there.
Last time, we displayed a few of the photos of Nephi stores of a few years ago, and we are presenting more today. One is the Clark Sparks Motel, which was located between the Madeline Pyper home on the corner of 5th North and Main(where Steels Impound is today) and the Serv(Honda shop). It was where the car wash is now. That motel was quant but a well kept place for travelers on Highway 91. It was a time when Nephi WAS friendly and no diesel noise, so visitors would walk the walk and visit with locals and watch little league at the Park. Then there should be one of Bob Anderson's magic places called the El Tonya, which was across the street west where he built the Safari. Bob's daughter is Tonya. Believe it or not, both were high class places back then and rodeo King Cotton Rosser stayed in them. Down the street south was one of the most famous and popular places to eat south of anywhere, and that was Rays Cafe. Ray Kelson had the same magic touch as Bob Anderson. Ray was a big league baseball player and his three sons were the same in all sports and only Val is left. Rays wife really ran the operation of Rays and gals got a good start of work there, as it was a time when kids had to work, and we learned money didn't grow on trees or we didn't have parents that were rich. Next door was Pextons where many of the boys and men learned work ethics. Somewhere there should be Painters Motors which is now Parks and next door is the still Nephi classy Whitmore Mansion which we have written of before, as we knew more of the history of the building than the owners. Then there should be two stores the reader will need help with, but I think one was Ralphs Market and Christenson's, but that is a guess. The one wore down motel was owned by Golden Oldroyd, a full time teacher. That place is now hidden on Main and south of Third North. The other older one was between Bow Shop and Kings Nursey was. By the way, if you eat at Lisa's, which is across the street of Rays apartments, ask for the Rays Cafe special, which is perfect French Fries, smothered with great brown gravy. And if you ever visit France, those folks have not idea what a French Fry is! I found out the hard way in Paris.
Saturday, January 20, 2024
In case you are wondering what the Old Nephi LDS North Ward Chapel looked like, we have a print, and we wrote about it some time ago. To go along with it. It is old, but you can still get together and sing it. When it isn't the Sabbath, some folks in Nephi may suggest you pay a visit to Aunt Emma's business and then when it gets warmer and you are camping overnight, try some of that Spirit, and sing, sing, sing.
I'm not sure of the year, but we have several that we will add another time. The ones today are Chapman Furniture Store and that was run by Maurice Chapman. It is now a Thrift store. Next to it is the Gadd's NAPA store, then as I recall, I think the next two smaller ones is first a barber shop ran by a man that had to quit when he had a stoke. I just had a brain freeze as to his name, but lived on 4th East at on the corner of 600 North. Then the adjoining business was Nephi Cleaners, ran by Stella Harris Boswell and Mable Anderson. A little further was Wayne's Pool Hall, then the Cowan gas station where the Old Mill park is now. The nearby Salt Creek ran under the road and Venice Theater, and the rumor(only a real rumor) was that some stupid local kids would put their life at risk and float under it. Boys could hold their breath a long time and good swimmers that MAY have become Scuba Divers! On the west, there should be a photo of The Times News; Foote Building, then the Venice Theater. The upstairs rooms were where Dentist Booth practiced, but another rumor is he only "practiced" it. Same goes for an attorney up there. Being a Movie projectionist at the Venice I had the exploratory chance to check the vacant rooms out including the spiral wooden staircase that led to the forgotten Venice Cafe which was later changed to a Pizza Place. Then down the street, you will find the LDS Seminary Building, which became the County Attorney Office and Udell Jensen office. Next door is the UWANNA Drive Inn; then Dairy Queen; TJ's, and now Nephi Western. I almost forgot. Back in the real old times, the rooms above the Chapman store used to be the offices of Nephi City and Juab County before they build the County Building on the corner of Depot and Main which is now the DUP Museum, and before Nephi City had their offices in the Nephi Smiles office. When they all vacated the offices above Chapmans, various journals and books were taken home by employees, but the government forgot about them, and low and behold, yours truly got possession of them. I tired to return some to Juab County for historical purposes, but the County Recorder back then refused them, so they given to the DUP as they had a lot of good history in them. The Brass Band was common in Nephi, and the one shown is standing in front of the Hyde and Whitmore Mercantile. Bands were important in those days and often used to welcome LDS Brigham Young to town on his way to Santa Clara.
I have been a funeral attender for hundreds of funerals, but this one was held before I was born, so I wasn't even a thought in her Dad who was Wm. Fisher Tolley. Besides, he had four wives between Nephi and Idaho, so I think he couldn't keep track of the kids he had. Any who, I never did like long funerals, but back in the day when there wasn't the massive move -ins of today, they were long. But since it was my grandmother, I thought I better put in the written memory thing- a -ma -jig. Endure to the end they say! My old computer broke as well as my scanner, so not able to find where her photo is.
Friday, January 19, 2024
Like it or not, 2024 is here, and yup, it is an election year. So if you are a REAL American, please register, and vote who ever you wish. As most folks that know me, I DO NOT like most Politicians, even though I became one once. I didn't like them, as most were very dishonest, and not PUBLIC Servants. I used to write in my kids names, but that doesn't work anymore, as who ever wants to run as a Write-In has to register, so the several votes we got for Hollywood Ted Folkerts didn't count. And just because a Judge is on the ballot for Retention -that doesn't always mean they are good. Find out by calling folks, or just leave blank. Anywho, I found a campaign ad for Bent Bryan, and although our family of years ago was related to the Bryan family, not sure about Bent, but he did win. On the back of his ad, it shows the various other candidate's in Juab County, so you can do the research on them. I do know that Bent won; so did Sheriff Sullivan and so did Abe Murdock, but it was considered an upset, so had to do some research. He lost to the Incumbent-Wm. King, whose name I recognized. Wm. King was born in Fillmore at a time when Fillmore as the Capitol of the Utah Territory and he served as the United States Senator from 1917 to 1941, and lost to Abe Murdock. At first glance, I thought he may have lost to a guy by the name of "Abe", but that wasn't the case. In my view, he lost because even though Senator King was a Democrat, he didn't always go with party lines but what he thought was best for America, unlike todays politician's in D.C. Additionally,, King was against President Roosevelt, and that may have been fatal. Anywho, we also know that Newton was elected, and in my view, I haven't yet found a bad person from downtown Clover Creek, or Mona that wasn't bad, but that is just a professional guess! It was fun to look up Senator King, who became Senate Pro-Temp during his time.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
It was more than a hundred years ago that Nephi, Utah had three elementary schools. On the south part of Nephi, the school was called the South School. Another two story school was build on Track Street at one and a half blocks east, and that was called the Central School. Then the North School was on the corner of 6th North and First East. Both the North and South School were torn down, and all Nephi Elementary kids who attend the Central School, and kids walked or their folks would take them in their horse and buggy or on a horse. Shortly after 1900, the second floor of the Central School became known as Nephi High School, and students were there until 1923, when the new school was completed on 2nd North and Main. It broke the heart of most citizens that the Central School was tore down as where the other two. The photo is taken from The Times News, and not sure what year it was, but a long time ago, as the house built where the school was is quite old. Who are the unhappy students? Your guess is good as mine.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
We recognize our declaration is a little Tardy to get out to all those LDS students who wish to learn more about all kinds of spiritual things, and unlike the regular news broadcasts, we decided to be a little more honest and wrote "Braking News". It only costs a dollar per quarter, but it is for the years of 1958-59, but even then, that would seem a darn tootin good bargain. While going to the U of U, working on a Masters, I thought I would take a class to improve my worldly view of things, only because the students I saw and watched, were one Hell of a lot worse than this country boy. They had worse words than J. Golden Kimball gave at early LDS Conferences, and he had more wives that what I was searching for. Anyhow, here you go. It is history, so if want good teachings but it may Behoove one to study and make sure your kin Behave better than I done did sum of the time!
I recall reading my grandfather's LDS Missionary's Dairy from the 1800's when Wm. Jones departed Nortonville, and asked his pregnant wife to take care of the farm, with the help of the other Tolley and Jones family. She did, and while Wm. was on his mission, their son Vic Jones was born. Wm. and another Nephite by the name of McPherson took the ship to Liverpool. That is just a foundational story, as both the Jones and McPherson were key farmers in Juab County, but it was time when all neighbor's pitched in to help each other.........which may be a thing of only the past. Anywho, the two pictured ladies are of the same generation, when both were raised to take care of their family and the farm. I knew both well, and can't think of any more beautiful and high class ladies. Nephi families lost two noble queens, but Heaven gained two Angelic Angels. I have previously wrote about their family members and often think how well each of them succeeded on life on earth.
Last September, we submitted several stories written by Dean Bowles, a former Nephite who had a Dental Practice, but also an excellent book author. Some of his stories were submitted last September, so the reader would have to go to our Archives to read them. He and his wife are 90 plus years old; living with a son in Arizona, and interested in moving back to Nephi The attached is a photo of Dean and the staff he had. He is the son of Roy Bowles and lived on the corner of 5th North and 1st West in Nephi.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
The attached appears to be a clipping from the local Juab County paper of The Times News. Not sure who in our family saved it but my guess would be LaVon Harris Jones, as she was very active in all drama, plays and functions of that sort. I found it interesting as most of folks may have already been elevated to do drama beyond the Veil. I sense the Fine Arts Club that may have been the lighting rod for the more recent Juab Fine Arts of today. The difference back in the 50's was that most clubs of that nature were completely Volunteer, where as recent organizations start as volunteers, but soon start collecting money's from the taxpayer by way of government funding. I am not sure, but the FHA(Future Homemakers of America) may be thing of the past, which is too bad, as it used to be just for girls in High School, but in todays world of many a single fathers who not only work their jobs, but such as my case, I had to try to cook for two young boys. In that time it was customary to not use the woman's first name, but to refer to them as Mrs. so and so. To me, Mrs. Lomax was Evelyn, and same thing with many others. See if you know who is who and if they are still kicking. My neighbor was Myrna Lunt who just passed away. She was into FHA, and what a gifted person, and a great Spirit and I can guess she reaches that she is an Angel as she was on Earth. And the Tolley gal listed as the Recreation leader for FHA is still very much alive and still a sharp person, who I keep in contact with. Not sure of the Yorganson gal, but her two brothers were gifted and popular writers, being Blaine and Brent Yorganson, and their father was the local Culligan man. That is all for now.
I am not sure if this is good news or bad news, but at least it is History- an almost forgotten educational skill once used in public schools when I went to Nephi Schools. Although I have attended and got my certificates of completion or diplomas from various colleges and asked to teach at many, the best education I ever received, was that which I received during my 12 years of schooling at Juab High School. I was never as smart as my siblings, including one who breezed through most, but I think I learned how to study and endure to the end. Graduating from High School was one of my most saddest days, as not only was I leaving the best hundred classmates and friend's, but leaving behind the best teachers, including the creme of the crop Admistratiators. In talking to various students and nephews both locally and in the big city, I learned that many schools are so big, the kids don't have a lot of chances to participate in sports; plays, or various clubs. Oh well, I guess the 6 plus years in colleges and universities at least....... it taught me how to work the night shift to pay for college and my student loans, which apparently, is not the case anymore. During my career of 42 years, I have also learned not to trust the present day media, and haven't watched a news cast for more than 45 years, as I was involved with some of the events of the past, and few meda folks were not "Just the Facts Ma'am" and often only interrupted what would suck people in, as that is what their bosses told them to do-to please their funders. Sounds like Politician's huh? Below is the last of the box of newspapers I collected while working at various cities or States in America. Nowadays, I only read the old papers and the Times News. Today's paper is when I spent some time in Kentucky, and that paper is not too different that what readers may feel obligated to read or watch today. You be the Judge! When we find papers and magazines from around the world, we will consider putting them on the blog. Once when I was in Mexico, I picked up that evil magazine called "Playboy". Back then, in looking through it, the photo's were PG, as one could find in America, but in those days, that magazine was mild as what is accessible to people now adays. I did take the time to look at the cartoons, and gee whiz, I couldn't understand one dam joke! It took another person to tell me I had to learn Spanish first. Dam. So I hollered " Una Cerveza Mas Por Favor, then Gracias" and left a dollar so we didn't get knifed. Since warm beer was not to my liking, we fled the coop.
Friday, January 5, 2024
Jan 5, 1979, was a day of excitement for your family kid. We weren't sure if it was going to be a boy or girl, but we had already decided on a name. You were a boy, so named Justin, but if it was a girl, it would have been Justine. I opened a Savings Account in both names at Zion's Bank. It was late at night that you were born, and back before I lost my addiction for BYU, Dr. Spencer and I was watching the Holiday Bowl on TV in a room near the birth room at Cottonwood Hospital. We kept telling your screaming Mom to just grin and bear it, as the game was about over. It ended, and I got there just in time to catch you when you popped out. You must have known who won, as you came out smiling. From that day on you were a happy kid, and made every human and animal around you love you. You had that instant affect on all. You and I became not so much a father and son, but extremely close friends. As soon as you were able to walk, and before seat belts, I would take you for a drive when our new home was in the country. I would secure you standing behind my right shoulder and we talked from that time on just as if you were a full grown adult. You and your two St. Bernard's bonded and when you got older, you were good at all sports, and drove to the armpit of the big city and take on gangs for money....but it was on the basketball court. You brought home your winnings, but scared the BeJesus out of me when you told me where you played. Little did you know, California gangs were there, but you played cool with it all. I am sitting at my desk, and have been going through the ten binders full of your stuff, even from Kindergarten. Only now, I can't figure out why the school charged me more than $4000 dollars and that didn't even cover your lunch! Oh well, you aced school and college and went on to help heart patients with the new system to repair the chambers going through the Femoral artery. You, your brother and I fell in deep depression when we lost your baseball coach on the field at 38 and I couldn't save him with CPR. I knew the Medical Examiner and he told me that Craig Siciliano was dead before he hit the ground. Although most folks couldn't tell, your Depression increased when your mother wanted a break, so we divorced and she departed the home while you and Troy were young. She wasn't all to blame, as you and your brother were my first obligation and then my career, which I spent more time at than I should have. She has been there for you more than you know. Your two marriages ended in divorce and when we spent over a hundred thousand dollars on professional counselling, that only seemed to make matters worse, so you chose to end your life on earth at age 38. Somehow, I think you followed what you had been taught and prayed about it, and I can only think He knew your Big Heart could take no more pain. From time to time, in my gloom, I can feel your presence above my right shoulder, and so please continue to be our Guardian Angel. Troy greatly misses you, as you were his guiding light. Just keep on being that Pale Rider in the Sky and we will get on the horse and play Getty Up Go once again. Me and Troy will catch up with you but not today!
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Although some criminologist and Social Workers may content that getting criminals involved in a Sting or Undercover operation may cause more problems with the criminal in returning to a downward spiral, but others disagree. In working various operations in law enforcement and the criminal justice system for 42 years, I would support Sting Operations where the crook is caught stealing items from victims then selling them for profit, and seldom do the original owners get compensation for their loss. Same thing with placing Undercover officers getting the heavy duty drug dealers that are getting worse, especially now that Cartel and illegal drug carriers are given free access to America on the South Border, plus a free credit card worth 7,000 dollars and a free phone. Those enemies hate America, but are invading us to get all the free stuff the hard working true Americans who are paying for it, as well as Seniors, whose Social Security is reduced as they too are paying for it. Underage kids are being used as sex victims and for selling drugs. Our federal government leaders are said to be allowing such activity and little is done, except to support the State and local police as the Feds are restricted. I bring all this to light, even though I don't read the paper or watch TV anymore, as I have already seen the anti-America folks that don't report the news, but interpret the news and show untruths. One former colleague of mine who lives in another rural community called to tell me that a bus load of illegals arrived and LDS Church authorities have been asked to take them in and provide for them. None can speak English, but they have cell phones that can interpret languages.This is my foundation information to show the one man I and other officers who worked with as a Genius as very successful Sting Operation in South Salt Lake years ago. He was one of the best, and crooks that came in his Pawn shop had no idea he was cop. All the stolen goods were properly marked and kept as evidence until the operation was completed and the culprits were arrested. Chuck died ten years ago today, and I pay respect to one of the best Cops ever, but little tribute was paid to him nor he wanted it. He was as smart as ever, and always dressed as a slop, but was able to even fool a cop that came in. My hat goes off to him. Be on the look out for the culprits in rural America, especially Utah, as Feds intend on bussing them to those places as Utah is "filled with good people, who are willing to help the downtrodden", which they are not. Like some political folks, they are Wolfs dressed in Sheep clothing. A new business owner made a statement in Nephi City Council, and after being questioned if he was going to hire local people, he got upset and said "illegals are harder workers than whites". He then stormed out of the room, and yes his comments were recorded, but I doubt he will be investigated for a Hate Crime. Oh, how we need a Chuck Illsley again. as our local crimes will continue to rise, and the police station is cramped in the Old Seminary Building from 60 or 70 years ago, and yet I heard rumors that the owner of the a business coming to town is also donating money to help build the police station. If the State Attorney got wind of that, and the interest, there could be an investigation of possible civil or criminal Conflict of Interest, even Council Members. Perhaps, some of our young people can quit their drugs and thefts and be our new Chuck. There are times, you have to know what it is like to change your habit or have an excellent Mentor, who builds you up and not keeping you digging your grave. There are times when the drug user brings the cop down too.
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
NORTH WARD LDS CHAPEL OF NEPHI-Local secrets like National Treasure-but true!
A long, long time ago, in an area not far from where this is typed, we write of a Mormon Chapel that no longer stands, but the secrets of what was inside remains, and they are true as truth can be. But let's start with some foundational information. Although USA & Utah history books don't publish the whole truth about things that occured in America, we do know the Latter Day Mormon Church was re-established in New York in 1830. Back then, Americans hated that church, even though they were believers' in the US Constitution-the principle law of the USA. American citizens jailed and killed Joseph Smith and his brother, and the angry mob were protected by State and US officials.The Second leader of the soft spoken Mormons was Brigham Young, who just wanted a place of refuge. The Mormons were still killed and driven out of "Dodge". Many liked to the killers phrase of old sayings of the Indians, which was "The only good Mormon was a dead Mormon" and the turning point was the burning, raping and butchering of Saints in Missouri, so the Mormons-even though ill prepared, headed to the Utah "desert", where the Mexican government made claim to the Utah area, but didn't want it, but it did anger the Indians who were here for a long time. When the Mormons asked the local Chiefs if they could purchase part of the land, the Indians or what I call "The Ancient Ones", were a dumb founded, saying "We can sell what doesn't belong to us, then backed it up with "God is the owner of all land, water and trees". The Mormons agreed that "It was better to feed the Indians than fight them", and the Church treated them better than the US, who wanted to eradicate them all or put them on Reservation's, so hostilities began. After the Mormons arrived, the US wanted the land for new citizens arriving, so they went to War with Mexico in 1846, and ended two years later, with hardly a shot being fired. Mexico knew they were outnumbered and the US Troops started the forgotten phase of "Remember the Alamo", but if you go to the Alamo now, it is operated by Mexicans! Anywho, Mormon Scouts were sent from Salt Lake to San Bernardino, and were to look for possible settlements near streams from the mountain's, and so the first settlement in Salt Creek(now Nephi),was in 1852. Followers believe in going to Church; singing and dancing, so Two Wards(Welch folks call them Parish) were separated and the North Ward was a Mansion in and of itself, and that is where I first went to Church, and when the speakers got boring, I had to search and seek every hidden area in that two story building, which had a basement for recreation and banquets. So, there should be a photo of that now torn down edifice and a little information from the authentic history book of Juab County, written by Alice Paxam McCune, who I became pals with when I was about ten, pulling weeds for her. She was a women before her time. One of the best of the best, and she alone would have lead the folks to Nephi. When the Chapel was tore down, it was found with a trap door behind the speaker podium, as Anti-Mormons came to Utah and to kill the Apostles of the Church, but was afraid to take on Orrin P. Rockwell, and Juab Counties Wm. Fisher Tolley. Then the spiral staircase they led up to the overflow seats, contained a secret safe in the wall, where an Assistant Clerk kept a Diary of rumors of what local folks were doing. That was lated secured and forgot about, until the structure was tore down. When the journal or diary was discovered, it was turned over to the Stake President, who later showed it to me, wondering what to do with it. It contained innocent type "sins" and basic gossip of unfound rumors, some of which were about our own family members who helped settle this land. He said he had been praying about it, and when he told me about it, I said "your prayers are answered". Although he knew I was somewhat of a sinner, I instructed him to dismiss all of it in his mind and take it to the head men at Church Headquarters. He did. It is a now a new Year, so if you get bored, sing the songs of the Old North Ward, and if you want to dance, you may have to call on somebody besides Rob Garrett who used to be the Square Dance caller in the basement. Is it Alama left or right or Does eh doe?
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
We don't have the list of the names, but here is the photo of the students of the LDS graduates from Juab Stake. I don't have my bifocals on but the man that is not the tallest, but close to it, and in the middle looks like Janes H Ockey, who was a teacher then. I do remember they had a shortage of the Priesthood men they wanted as teachers, but couldn't find enough, so they hired a woman that was one of the best, or so I was told or read about. The building was located in Nephi, on the north of Max Ormes Silver Maple garage and south of the Uwanna Drive In. It was later used as the Juab County Attorney. Although that building was built to last a hundred years, it was tore down, much like many of Utah's buildings, to make room for what they thought was better, but even the old Nephi High School is now a 101 years old and lasts longer than some of the structure's built 20 years ago. A local home builder told me recently that homes are only built to last 7 years. Oh, how things change!