Tuesday, January 23, 2024


 I can't remember what photos we have as that is in a different computer place but let me guess. Across the street north of where Safari is now, there was three gas stations in a row. First was what I still call the Forest Anderson place and the only one still alive and kicking. Then there was two more and one is now kind of a place for old vehicles, and another gas station operated by Don Eyre. Bill Stowell worked there, but so did a lot of high school boys who pumped the gas while you could listen to country music KOMA or  KNAK or KOVO or KSOP, but not at the same time. The most important structure to see however, is the PC or what they call in England as the Public Convenience, and it looks like only a ONE holer! Ross Garrett had a two holer! Side note is that John Crapper of the UK invented the flushing toilets'. Stayed tuned for non essential history while sitting on the JOHN. Other photos may be the cars for sale at Parkin Motor, with Red Cliffs in the background, but hard to drive to see as it is owned and often off limits to get there and place for future LDS Nephi Temple, but that is ONLY a personal revelation! Then there should be a photo of a small store which was over Salt Creek and to the South would eventually become the Cowan gas Station. To the north was Wayne's Pool Hall and a popular two story coffee shop is now located. There should be another photo of Juab High, and to the south of Track Street, that dirt is important as it used to be the World Famous Arlington Theater from the late 1800s as visitors would get off the train and walk up Track Street to see entertainers. Then between 7th and 8th North was the Premium Oil, which was owned by Evan Blackett, and open all night. That was a good place to work for high school kids and the night worker-Ron Jones or Bob Garrett. In the back, kids would pull their hot rods in and go underground to change the oil or shoot the Bull! There was a Chicken Coop behind it and the Snak Shak got their eggs from there. The building is still there.

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