Friday, January 5, 2024


Jan 5, 1979, was a day of excitement for your family kid. We weren't sure if it was going to be a boy or girl, but we had already decided on a name. You were a boy, so named Justin, but if it was a girl, it would have been Justine. I opened a Savings Account in both names at Zion's Bank. It was late at night that you were born, and back before I lost my addiction for BYU, Dr. Spencer and I was watching the Holiday Bowl on TV in a room near the birth room at Cottonwood Hospital. We kept telling your screaming Mom to just grin and bear it, as the game was about over. It ended, and I got there just in time to catch you when you popped out. You must have known who won, as you came out smiling. From that day on you were a happy kid, and made every human and animal around you love you. You had that instant affect on all. You and I became not so much a father and son, but extremely close friends. As soon as you were able to walk, and before seat belts, I would take you for a drive when our new home was in the country. I would secure you standing behind my right shoulder and we talked from that time on just as if you were a full grown adult. You and your two St. Bernard's bonded and when you got older, you were good at all sports, and drove to the armpit of the big city and take on gangs for money....but it was on the basketball court. You brought home your winnings, but scared the BeJesus out of me when you told me where you played. Little did you know, California gangs were there, but you played cool with it all. I am sitting at my desk, and have been going through the ten binders full of your stuff, even from Kindergarten. Only now, I can't figure out why the school charged me more than $4000 dollars and that didn't even cover your lunch! Oh well, you aced school and college and went on to help heart patients with the new system to repair the chambers going through the Femoral artery. You, your brother and I fell  in deep depression when we lost your baseball coach on the field at 38 and I couldn't save him with CPR. I knew the Medical Examiner and he told me that Craig Siciliano was dead before he hit the ground. Although most folks couldn't tell, your Depression increased when your mother wanted a break, so we divorced and she departed the home while you and Troy were young. She wasn't all to blame, as you and your brother were my first obligation and then my career, which I spent more time at than I should have. She has been there for you more than you know. Your two marriages ended in divorce and when we spent over a hundred thousand dollars on professional counselling, that only seemed to make matters worse, so you chose to end your life on earth at age 38. Somehow, I think you followed what you had been taught and prayed about it, and I can only think He knew your Big Heart could take no more pain. From time to time, in my gloom, I can feel your presence above my right shoulder, and so please continue to be our Guardian Angel. Troy greatly misses you, as you were his guiding light. Just keep on being that Pale Rider in the Sky and we will get on the horse and play Getty Up Go once again. Me and Troy will catch up with you but not today! 

1 comment:

  1. What a great tribute to my nephew, Justin! You are very blessed to have him as one of your guardian angels, Kent! I very much look forward to seeing him again. Oh, if I only knew the things that Justin knows right now. Justin is a good and righteous man, and so is his dad.
