Thursday, January 18, 2024


It was more than a hundred years ago that Nephi, Utah had three elementary schools. On the south part of Nephi, the school was called the South School. Another two story school was build on Track Street at one and a half blocks east, and that was called the Central School. Then the North School was on the  corner of 6th North and First East. Both the North and South School were torn down, and all Nephi Elementary kids who attend the Central School, and kids walked or their folks would take them in their horse and buggy or on a horse. Shortly after 1900, the second floor of the Central School became known as Nephi High School, and students were there until 1923, when the new school was completed on 2nd North and Main. It broke the heart of most citizens that the Central School was tore down as where the other two. The photo is taken from The Times News, and not sure what year it was, but a long time ago, as the house built where the school was is quite old. Who are the unhappy students? Your guess is good as mine.

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