Saturday, January 20, 2024


 I'm not sure of the year, but we have several that we will add another time. The ones today are Chapman Furniture Store and that was run by Maurice Chapman. It is now a Thrift store. Next to it is the Gadd's NAPA store, then as I recall, I think the next two smaller ones is first a barber shop ran by a man that had to quit when he had a stoke. I just had a brain freeze as to his name, but lived on 4th East at on the corner of 600 North. Then the adjoining business was Nephi Cleaners, ran by Stella Harris Boswell and Mable Anderson. A little further was Wayne's Pool Hall, then the Cowan gas station where the Old Mill park is now. The nearby Salt Creek ran under the road and Venice Theater, and the rumor(only a real rumor) was that some stupid local kids would put their life at risk and float under it. Boys could hold their breath a long time and good swimmers that MAY have become Scuba Divers! On the west, there should be a photo of The Times News; Foote Building, then the Venice Theater. The upstairs rooms were where Dentist Booth practiced, but another rumor is he only "practiced" it. Same goes for an attorney up there. Being a Movie projectionist at the Venice I had the exploratory chance to check the vacant rooms out including the spiral wooden staircase that led  to the forgotten Venice Cafe which was later changed to a Pizza Place. Then down the street, you will find the LDS Seminary Building, which became the County Attorney Office and Udell Jensen office. Next door is the UWANNA Drive Inn; then Dairy Queen; TJ's, and now Nephi Western. I almost forgot. Back in the real old times, the rooms above the Chapman store used to be the offices of Nephi City and Juab County before they build the County Building on the corner of Depot and Main which is now the DUP Museum, and before Nephi City had their offices in the Nephi Smiles office. When they all vacated the offices above Chapmans, various journals and books were taken home by employees, but the government forgot about them, and low and behold, yours truly got possession of them. I tired to return some to Juab County for historical purposes, but the County Recorder back then refused them, so they given to the DUP as they had a lot of good history in them. The Brass Band was common in Nephi, and the one shown is standing in front of the Hyde and Whitmore Mercantile. Bands were important in those days and often used to welcome LDS Brigham Young to town on his way to Santa Clara.

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