Friday, January 26, 2024


 "We are but a speck of sand within an endless array of worlds and some of those worlds are closer to us than most know. Consider the plight of Marc and Heidi, who entered into a strange new world, and the battles they fought so they could return to their home. Their story begins now."  By G.B. Jones

Gary B. Jones was born and raised in Nephi, Utah with his forefathers arriving here in the 1850's. He is a graduate of Juab High School, with the Class of 1966. He then attended BYU and USU, where he excelled in theatrical plays. He joined the US Army during the Viet Nam Era, and became a Ranger; excelling in rapid deployment for direct action raids. His older brother-Weston, who was in the Air Force at the same time, always thought it was strange for his brother to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, and yet that was Gary's cup of Tea. Later, he was in the National Guard and activated for the first Middle East War Era. His work was with Western/Delta Airlines, which took him to Alaska. It was there, that his work went to the Dogs! Yup, he got interested in the Iditarod and became a Musher, leading his dogs from Anchorage across the Tundra of a thousand miles to Nome. He was good at it, and wrote a book called "Winning the Iditarod", then another book last year writing about losing one of his dogs on the trail, while he and others, including pilots searched for the lost furry soul and after 10 days it was found. He has never married or had kids, but after 70+ years old, he adopted two youngsters as they had been abandoned. He wrote this new book as an inspiration to those two kids and all people to give us strength to overcome whatever unforeseen obstacle's our way comes. Gary has sent the book to family and friends, and three have been donated to the Nephi City Library and they have been entered into the system, for all to read. If you desire to have one of your own or to send to others, there should be an address and phone to contact G.B. or his Publishing Co. below. Have fun reading.

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