Tuesday, January 2, 2024


We don't have the list of the names, but here is the photo of the students of the LDS graduates from Juab Stake. I don't have my bifocals on but the man that is not the tallest, but close to it, and in the middle looks like Janes H Ockey, who was a teacher then. I do remember they had a shortage of the Priesthood men they wanted as teachers, but couldn't find enough, so they hired a woman that was one of the best, or so I was told or read about. The building was located in Nephi, on the north of Max Ormes Silver Maple garage and south of the Uwanna Drive In. It was later used as the Juab County Attorney. Although that building was built to last a hundred years, it was tore down, much like many of Utah's buildings, to make room for what they thought was better, but even the old Nephi High School is now a 101 years old and lasts longer than some of the  structure's built 20 years ago. A local home builder told me recently that homes are only built to last 7 years. Oh, how things change!

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