Thursday, January 4, 2024


Although some criminologist and Social Workers may content that getting criminals involved in a Sting or Undercover operation may cause more problems with the criminal in returning to a downward spiral, but others disagree. In working various operations in law enforcement and the criminal justice system for 42 years, I would support Sting Operations where the crook is caught stealing items from victims then selling them for profit, and seldom do the original owners get compensation for their loss. Same thing with placing Undercover officers getting the heavy duty drug dealers that are getting worse, especially now that Cartel and illegal drug carriers are given free access to America on the South Border, plus a free credit card worth 7,000 dollars and a free phone. Those enemies hate America, but are invading us to get all the free stuff the hard working true Americans who are paying for it, as well as Seniors, whose Social Security is reduced as they too are paying for it. Underage kids are being used as sex victims and for selling drugs. Our federal government leaders are said to be allowing such activity and little is done, except to support the State and local police as the Feds are restricted. I bring all this to light, even though I don't read the paper or watch TV anymore, as I have already seen the anti-America folks that don't report the news, but interpret the news and show untruths. One former colleague of mine who lives in another rural community called to tell me that a bus load of illegals arrived and LDS Church authorities have been asked to take them in and provide for them. None can speak English, but they have cell phones that can interpret languages.This is my foundation information to show the one man I and other officers who worked with as a Genius as very successful Sting Operation in South Salt Lake years ago. He was one of the best, and crooks that came in his Pawn shop had no idea he was cop. All the stolen goods were properly marked and kept as evidence until the operation was completed and the culprits were arrested. Chuck died ten years ago today, and I pay respect to one of the best Cops ever, but little tribute was paid to him nor he wanted it. He was as smart as ever, and always dressed as a slop, but was able to even fool a cop that came in. My hat goes off to him. Be on the look out for the culprits in rural America, especially Utah, as Feds intend on bussing them to those places as Utah is "filled with good people, who are willing to help the downtrodden", which they are not. Like some political folks, they are Wolfs dressed in Sheep clothing. A new business owner made a statement in Nephi City Council, and after being questioned if he was going to hire local people, he got upset and said "illegals are harder workers than whites". He then stormed out of the room, and yes his comments were recorded, but I doubt he will be investigated for a Hate Crime. Oh, how we need a Chuck Illsley again. as our local crimes will continue to rise, and the police station is cramped in the Old Seminary Building from 60 or 70 years ago, and yet I heard rumors that the owner of the a business coming to town is also donating money to help build the police station. If the State Attorney got wind of that, and the interest, there could be an investigation of possible civil or criminal Conflict of Interest, even Council Members. Perhaps, some of our young people can quit their drugs and thefts and be our new Chuck. There are times, you have to know what it is like to change your habit or have an excellent Mentor, who builds you up and not keeping you digging your grave. There are times when the drug user brings the cop down too.

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