Sunday, January 14, 2024


I am not sure if this is good news or bad news, but at least it is History- an almost forgotten educational skill once used in public schools when I went to Nephi Schools. Although I have attended and got my certificates of completion or diplomas from various colleges and asked to teach at many, the best education I ever received, was that which I received during my 12 years of schooling at Juab High School. I was never as smart as my siblings, including one who breezed through most, but I think I learned how to study and endure to the end. Graduating from High School was one of my most saddest days, as not only was I leaving the best hundred classmates and friend's, but leaving behind the best teachers, including the creme of the crop Admistratiators. In talking to various students and nephews both locally and in the big city, I learned that many schools are so big, the kids don't have a lot of chances to participate in sports; plays, or various clubs. Oh well, I guess the 6 plus years in colleges and universities at least....... it taught me how to work the night shift to pay for college and my student loans, which apparently, is not the case anymore. During my career of 42 years, I have also learned not to trust the present day media, and haven't watched a news cast for more than 45 years, as I was involved with some of the events of the past, and few meda folks were not "Just the Facts Ma'am" and  often only interrupted what would suck people in, as that is what their bosses told them to do-to please their funders. Sounds like Politician's huh? Below is the last of the box of newspapers I collected while working at various cities or States in America. Nowadays, I only read the old papers and the Times News. Today's paper is when I spent some time in Kentucky, and that paper is not too different that what readers may feel obligated to read or watch today. You be the Judge! When we find papers and magazines from around the world, we will consider putting them on the blog. Once when I was in Mexico, I picked up that evil magazine called "Playboy". Back then, in looking through it, the photo's were PG, as one could find in America, but in those days, that magazine was mild as what is accessible to people now adays. I did take the time to look at the cartoons, and gee whiz, I couldn't understand one dam joke! It took another person to tell me I had to learn Spanish first. Dam. So I hollered " Una Cerveza Mas Por Favor, then Gracias" and left a dollar so we didn't get knifed. Since warm beer was not to my liking, we fled the coop. 

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