Sunday, July 19, 2015

In the 1950's and 60's it was difficult to be an Eagle Scout in the Juab County area. Here is a method that involves just five steps....

In 1959, I struggled to get my Home Repairs merit badge in the Scouting program. It wasn't because of George A. Sperry, who was the one I had to get it approved through. Mr. Sperry had been the top educator of the Juab Schools, so it wasn't him. I soon figured out this "tenderfoot" would not be able to muster the rigors and dedication required to get an Eagle. At the time, I tried to change a light bulb with a left handed monkey wrench. The house fire helped get my "Fire Safety" merit badge-and little home damage. I did learn great respect for all those kids who obtained their Eagle, as it is among the most treasured possessions a young man can ever obtain. The military still recognizes that, and once out of Boot Camp, they accelerate that kid to a higher rank and pay. After attending this Court of Honor on July 12, 2015, I had even more respect for the Boy Scouts of America. For some reason, many of us American's have forgotten our pledge to the flag and country, and a tear came to my eye when I listened to the Scouts and attendees Pledge their Allegiance. In todays world, that was refreshing, as was the openly declared prayers. Additionally, I figured that no boy can obtain the Eagle on his own. It takes a lot of volunteers, but most importantly, a strong family who supports the promise to sustain that kid. If you study the five faces of this family, you can see that strong unity.

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