Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Ute Stampede will be in Nephi, Utah next week, so dust off the hat and shine your spurs. Here is what some of the activities were during the Stampede of 1941.

This is from the personal journal of one Alma Jones, which shows some of the activities during rodeo week and the days after. We have typed some of it to make it more clear for the reader.

July 10, 1941
I worked all day for City with the electric dept. and went to the rodeo in the evening for the first performance of the stampede celebration.
July 11, 1941
A wonderful parade was held this morning at 10 o'clock. In afternoon a ball game and air show was held at the fairgrounds. Fights and dance in evening.
July 12, 1941
Several out of town people are here. The big band performance was held this morning. Rained a little at noon. Pioneer programs have been held each day.
July 13, 1941
A warm day but a little cloudy. Pearl got dinner for us after Sunday school. LaVon rode up the canyon and had supper.
July 14, 1941
Still warm. Loran Tolley came up from Cal. for a few days visit. Some of the battery boys are here from Calif. camp for the stampede. I am working for the City.
July 15, 1941
Charles Jones returned from Washington a few days ago. We have been over to there place tonite. I have been working for the City. It has been awful hot.
July 16, 1941
Still hot but a little cloudy today. I have been putting lights on softball field for City. Farmers are harvesting peas and have started on grain.
July 17, 1941
Norma, Pearl and Erma have been here today house cleaning. Several people are making mattresses in the Chas. Foote building. We drove out to Mona with Norma.

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