Thursday, July 23, 2015

In the early days of Nephi, Utah, well known and respected families included the Paxman's, McCune's, Whitmores, and the Cazier's. This is the historical account of a Cazier.

The first photo shows Edna Jensen Cazier, when she served in the Utah Legislator(from 1949 to 1955). At the time, the Salt Lake newspaper was pointing out two influential female politicians at a time when men were the usual representatives. When I found this newspaper article, I thought it was only fitting to bring up a little more about the Nephi Cazier families. Early Juab County pioneers showed such people as David Cazier; Samuel Cazier; Rosana Cazier and John W. Cazier. When a Pioneer  LDS Stake Tabernacle was built in Nephi, Samuel and David Cazier were influential people in obtaining the funds necessary to complete it. I recall my father talking about how influential the Cazier family was, with one becoming the President of Utah State University. In going through some family records I found additional information on the subject of todays entry, involving Edna Jensen Cazier. She was born a Jensen in 1895, but married Gerald Cazier of Nephi. That marriage was performed in the Salt Lake LDS Temple, by one Joseph F. Smith. After graduating from BYU, she started teaching in public schools, then called to be a Seminary teacher in Nephi, which she did for about ten years. She was very active in politics, and my information shows  she never waivered from serving the people. At the same time, she spent thirty years on the Juab Stake Relief Society; active in Heart and Cancer drives; Red Cross worker during World War II; Temple ordinance worker, MIA instructor; Drama Chairman; Daughters of Utah Pioneers and the main force behind the O.W.L.S.(Order of Women Legislators). During all of her service to others, she was a beautiful women, and cherished her family, being the mother of J. Richard Cazier, Geraldine, G. Marsden and Stanford Cazier. Her sister-Freda Joan, married an LDS man by the name of Harold B. Lee. Edna Annette Jensen Cazier was buried at the Nephi City Cemetery, passing away at the age of 98. She was much respected and loved by all who knew her. For a little extra information....and at no extra charge, we threw in the obituary information on Martha Cazier Eagar of Nephi, then a photo of Nephi's Pioneer Queen of 1901, who was Miss Celia Cazier. The Pages are Lila Cazier and Belle Bryan. That was courtesy of the Nephi Chapter of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. The singular photo is of a younger Edna Cazier.

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