Thursday, July 23, 2015

It is getting close to Pioneer Day of 2015 and time to celebrate our "Founders Day". So how did they celebrate it in Nephi during 1941.

The following pages are taken from the journal of Alma Jones of Nephi, whose photo is also submitted. In addition, we have copied a photo of the Nephi Gypsum Mill, which includes a car that looks like about the same year of the journal entry. A photo of the old North ward is included.
July 20, 1941
Cloudy & a little cooler today. We went to Sunday School this morning. LaVon & I went up to Provo in the evening.
July 21, 1941
Mr. Powell came out at 5 o'clock this morning for me to work helping put a power line to plaster mine. Was awful hot. Father not feeling very good.
July 22, 1941
I have been working for City today. Still hot. Eugene McPherson is cutting  barley down on the Jackson farm.  Bill Tolley has quit the Premium Oil and is in Park City in mine.
July 23, 1941
A warm sultry morning. I was watering on the lot all nite. Have been working around the lot today. Rodd Cobbley has been here for a visit.
July 24, 1941
A pioneer program was held in the North Ward park this morning. Elma & Ruth are here from S.L. today. LaVon, Pearl and family and I was in Spanish tonite.
July 25, 1941
Has been raining a little today. I have been working on Lynn Parkins house today. Erma was out and got supper for us tonite. Raining tonite.
July 26, 1941
I finished at Lynn Parkins today at noon and went for City in the afternoon.  We had an awful wind storm in afternoon followed by a rain storm.

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