Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Mt. Nebo Chapter of the FFA has changed from 1964.....and the future looks "pretty" dang good.

When an organization is built on a good foundation, it has a better chance of succeeding. At least that is my thought with the Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Future Farmers of America(FFA). In Juab County during the 1950's and sixties, the Advisers were James Anderson and Jay Dalley. They were our professional baby sitters and helped mature us, and get us to appreciate farming. When I saw a Facebook invitation to like the Mt. Nebo FFA and the Juab County Fair, my mind slid back a half century. Back then, this greenhorn was persuaded to become a Greenhand by Johnny Cotton and Rex McPherson- to get involved with that organization, and I came to love and respect it's principles. Jay Dalley lead us to two straight years of winning the State with Parliamentary Procedure teams; Public Speaker going to the National Convention in Kansas City, and winning welding and meat Judging contests. I now see where the Chapter placed 28th in the nation in horse judging and Hailee Garrett and Makayla Garrett receiving the prestigious American Degree. Three cheers to what the Mt. Chapter is doing. For a little color, I have found photos of the modern day members of the Mt. Nebo Chapter, and then some vintage photos from the members in 1964. We have also taken a photo of the jacket I wore 52 years ago. Back then they didn't make good jackets as I attempted to put this jacket on last week, and it shrunk! It has nothing to do with the hundred pounds I have put on since is the material!  I have also included the obituary of Elvin Downs, who was the State Advisor for the FFA, and a leader for the thousands of young people in Utah. He was our hero.  Most assuredly, the present day members of the Mt. Nebo FFA are a heck a lot better looking than those guys of yesteryear.

1 comment:

  1. With the passing of former FFA advisor Jay Dalley on January 4, 2020, a Juab High School legend has left us! May God bless you throughout all the eternities, Mr. Dalley and thank-you a million times for all the good things you did for me and all the other FFA members! -Gary B. Jones, Class of 1966
