Sunday, July 19, 2015

The good and the bad about getting older.........

The good part of getting older is you forget things you did badly, so it doesn't bother you anymore. The bad part of going vintage is you forget important dates, such as birthdays or bringing milk home for the kids. In today's situation, I can't remember if I have already put these old photos on a blog, but I don't think I have and can't remember how to get in to my archives. They are all from the family collection and goes back at least 150 years. They are all people from Juab County, or they are relatives who remained in the British Isles when Mormon pioneers were directed to the Nephi, Utah area. On the second page, we made a copy of the back of the photo, as it gives the address of the photographer and the position of each corresponds with the photos on the third segment. It has to remembered, that in those days, the photo taker came to the area, who oft traveled by horse and buggy. In 1903, one of the Nephi photographers was Fred Chapman Sr. and his son followed in the same business. The Sr. was often seen going up Salt Creek Canyon on his bike, trekking over to Sanpete County to take photos. Fred Sr. went in business with Alma Chase and some of our photographs show Alma's name on it. In about 1913, Alma Chase went to Provo and started his own business. The last page of photos is interesting, in that the woman in each is the same person, and although she dresses with the same high class, her age is different. Hopefully, somebody can identify these before we ship then off to the LDS Church for worldwide distribution.

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