Wednesday, July 22, 2015

We are right in the middle of the growing season, but the fruit and vegetables will soon be ripe, all ready to place them in the Juab County Fair.

It's true, the Juab County Fair will be arriving soon. As you may remember from a year or two ago, there was a lot of fun with the activities surrounding the Fair. The photo shows the four demonstrator winners who headed to the State Fair. From left to right is Norma Sperry, Lucille Bailey, Ellen Rae Burtenshaw and Myrna Lunt. Other 4-H Club winners were Glenna Greenhalgh who demonstrated "Making Fruit Salad"; Donna Jean Bowles and Joan Jackson, "Putting in A Zipper"; Lucille Bailey and Ellen Rae Burtenshaw "Putting on a Snap Fastener".

We are not sure, but it appears the photo credit should go to the Times News, as on the reverse of the photo is the advertisement for what used to be the Beeline gas station. It also shows some bad news, as last Tuesday afternoon, between 5 and 6 p.m. between the Nephi Drug Co. and J.C. Penny, a ladies gold watch was lost. We remain hopeful that it will be turned in to the proper authorities.

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