Wednesday, July 1, 2015

It has been hot the last few days in Nephi, Utah but I guess it was also hot there in 1941, or at least that is what this diary says.

In Juab County and other Central Utah areas, it has been a scorcher for the past few days, with the freeway sign in Orem reporting it as 102 yesterday afternoon. Although plenty hot, I thought how lucky we are to jump in the pool to cool off; sip on ice water or turn the A/C on at full blast either in the car; at work or at home. I then checked to see how hot it was in Nephi during the same days in July, 1941. As the pencil writing is a little faded, we will attempt to write which was written by Alma Jones in his diary.
June 29, 1941
A nice day-LaVon, Bert, Elta and family and myself went up to Deer Creek Dam. Was gone all day had a nice time.
June 30, 1941
It rained quite hard while we were in Provo Canyon yesterday but it didn't last long. Stella(Harris) Boswell came back from Cal. this morning.
July 1, 1941
A pleasant day  Chess took Corrine, Erma and Father up to Salt Lake to get some special shoes for Corrine. Got home at 4 o'clock.
July 2, 1941
It has been a hot day. We are hauling hay. Norma and children have been over for the afternoon. Dora and Erma have also been here helping.
July 3, 1941
We have been down to Nortonville hauling Rye hay. It has  been an awful hot day, but quite cool at nites. Lots of hay being raised this year.
July 4, 1941
Still hot weather. Provo is celebrating the 4th today. A large parade this morning. Vick and family were up to it. We worked in the hay all day.
July 5, 1941
Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to S.L. this morning. They took LaVon and Jessie with them. It's still hot this afternoon.
July 6, 1941
It's warm day. Went to meeting. After we went to  Bert's for dinner. At nite, I took load of girls over to Moroni to sing in meeting.
July 7, 1941
A little cooler today. We have lost of peas this year. Picking them now. A group of 4-H leaders are going to the Canyon tonite for supper. I am invited.
July 8, 1941.
Warm again this morning. Sold fat hog over to Ralph Chases butcher shop.

Sometimes the intensity of heat seems unbearable, but then I look at the top of the first page of the diary, and notice that on July 5, 1862, Lee was defeated at Gettysburg. If you have ever wandered through that sacred place, you can feel the intense heat of battle those Americans, both North and South were feeling and the suffering felt by all was relentless. If we put that in perspective with our heat wave, perhaps we ain't got it too bad.

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